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I don't own Beyblade Burst. All Rights Reserved to Hiro Morita except for original characters. Leave your critiques and concerns in the comments.

Even though he was nine, Lui felt he was on top of the world.

The flame-haired boy bounced up and down in his ornate blue chair, his heart beating in anticipation of his mother's excellent cooking. Looking over to the left on the other side of the draped pale blue table, he found the lax gaze of his tuxedoed father, the man's blue hair resembling his own, only far bigger.

Lui loved his old man and mother to death. They always encouraged him and used their massive fortune to support him the best they could and then some. As they sat in the pale blue dining hall of the mansion, Lui continued to bounce until finally giving it a rest and plopping into the soft warmth of his seat. He let out a content sigh before the two of them sat in near silence, with the only exception being the flickering of candle flames spread across the table, with his father finally speaking up.

"I take it your pretty excited?" he said coyly, leading Lui to nod as he grinned with shark-like teeth.

Lui's father looked up to the ceiling and sighed warmly, his violet, ringed eyes catching sight of the chandelier lighting the room above them. The designs hanging off of its poles were wild and flame-like.

"Well, son, me and your mother have done quite well for ourselves and we're proud to share it with you. But, always remember to get anything good you have put in good hard work."

Lui nodded again " You got it, Dad."

At that, the door burst open as Lui's mother came in, wheeling a cart decked out in food aplenty. Pleasant, warm smells of salt and sweets conquered the room as the gown-dressed blonde reached the table, smiling pleasantly at the other two.

"Okay, almost anything,"

"Happy to see you're both having a good time here." His mother said.

"Happy to see you're keeping the ball rolling," Father responded as he straightened his black tie before Mother handed him a steaming plate of Beef Sticks stacked on top of white rice before turning to Lui and pulling a dish from the cart and setting it down in front of him.

"Alright, Lui, " She said in a fake sweet tone before bearing her teeth and leaning down so her face met his she let out a goofy snarl as she glared, "Tear into it!!"

Lui couldn't help but snort as he picked up his neatly placed fork and began cutting into the golden brown salmon fillet on his plate, the fish's soft texture melting in his mouth as he chewed on it. He then took a small sip of orange juice seated next to him.

These were all a kid could ask for, loving parents, awesome food, and a comfy home he could call his own.

It was a good life, and for Lui, it would never end.

Lui woke up from his nap as the car rocked back and forth, his weary eyes now focusing on his parents in the front seats. Their grim expressions were focused on the road as snow and frigid air whipped around them throughout the winter night.

Lui didn't know what had happened. Someway, somehow, all his parents' money and all it had brought with it just...vanished. Nowadays, all they could do was drive around and drudge up whatever cash they could to maintain the car. Some nights they'd just pull off the road and sleep in the thing, only occasionally being able to pull off getting an apartment.

Lui sunk at the thought of the various rooms they'd stayed in over the past few months. The once soft warmth from his seat cushions had long given way to the cool, dense metal of a car like the ones he had at school. Warm, delicious meals were now whatever groceries his parents could manage. The tang of things like orange juice was replaced with bland, warm tap water. Their seemingly endless mansion shrunk to a cramped box of a room.

Feeling his nose clogged with mucus, Lui looked across the front and back of the car, trying to find a stray tissue that hadn't been thrown out to keep it looking decent, only to frown as he turned up sort.

The flame-haired boy then winced as he felt his stomach rumble as he clutched it. The feeling of a vast, empty pit bored into his small gut as he looked to his parents for relief.

"Anything to eat?" He asked meekly as his mother turned to him, her green eyes filled with pity as she shook her head, causing Lui to frown. He hated that look. He hated how miserable his parents were and how powerless he was to stop it. Before all this, just him being around his parents made them light up with joy, but now that just wouldn't fly.

His mother seemed to notice and spoke up, "Hey, Lui," she said sadly, "Look sweetheart, no need to be so down just...just let us handle this," she looked like she was about to tear up. "It was our money, our loss. You don't need to worry about that,  just...just focus on something you like, like Blading."

At that, she turned away as Lui reached into his pocket and pulled out Lost Longinus, looking down at the Bey in sorrow. He'd lost so much in the past few months and felt powerless to do anything. Longinus was the only thing he had left, the one thing he still had some control over.

And he'd keep it that way. No matter what he had to say or what he had to do.

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