Chapter 1: New Life+

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All the monsters below trembled in fear of the great beast that walked their lands and covered their ears whenever it let out its roars or cries

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All the monsters below trembled in fear of the great beast that walked their lands and covered their ears whenever it let out its roars or cries. The Gojira was slowly making its way to a mountain that it sensed had a large abundant amount of magicules, and in its hand was an egg that it carried along. The Gojira monster looked at the egg longingly before turning back to the mountain as a red light began to shine around its spines before the light shined in its mouth and unleashed a red spiral beam of magic that blasted a massive hole in the mountain and shook the entire continent. The monster bellowed before red lights flashed along its body like cuts being made to its flesh, and the beast roared in pain as rain pour. The Gojira roared before trudging along to the hole it created in the mountain before managing to crawl inside to its vast cave systems, and disappearing into the earth of this world. Clawing through different parts of the caves, the monster seemed to have grown tired before slowly laying down on the cave floor as the egg loosened in its grip, almost falling out of its claws. It closed its eyes for a few moments, before a voice suddenly filled the cave.

"I never thought in all these two hundred and seventy years I've been sealed away, you would be the one to I get to first meet..." The Gojira slowly opened its eyes and looked to see a Dragon that was encased in a field of magic.

" The Gojira slowly opened its eyes and looked to see a Dragon that was encased in a field of magic

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"Master..." The Dragon spoke as the Gojira lifted its head with a gentle look in its eyes.

"Veldora." The Gojira spoke back with a feminine, gentle tone, though her speech sounded weak and tired. "Please, you do not have to refer to me in such a name is all you need to call me by..." The Gojira spoke as Veldora hesitantly decided to use it.

"Then...M-Malenia, why are you here?" Veldora asked before noticing the egg in his Master's hands. "It can't be...Is that...!?" Veldora was in too much disbelief as Malenia looked down at the egg longingly.

"Yes, my child. The final Gojira of our species." Malenia said as Veldora caught a specific word in that sentence she just spoke.

"Wait, what does 'final' mean?" Veldora asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

"I am not long for this world anymore. However, I am not sad to be leaving it either. The only thing I not being able to see my young one here grow up." Malenia spoke as a tear rolled down her eye.

Life As Monsters: Male Reader x That Time I Got Reincarnated as a SlimeWhere stories live. Discover now