Week 10 (Sega Week)

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Xain's POV

We we're pretty much telling the exploring more in the forest until we came across a big yellow ring and a green pipe. It's just floating and that's seems pretty important for some reason. I ended up jumping into it and I can feel myself falling at a insane speed. Pretty sure I hit the ground and passed out or went unconscious.

????: Hey...'ay man! You conscious dude?

Xain: !! What the hell? How'd I get outside? What's goin' on?

???: You're in MY court now, lil dude!

Xain: HUH!?

Sonica: Sorry about that! You were in the way of my daily lap around Green Hill. I tried stopping before I ran into you, but I guess my momentum still carried for a bit. You good though? You looked pretty out of it.

Xain, NAHNAHNAHNAHNAH NAH. You can't just come around and start acting like this is a common occurrence... YOU'RE SONICA THE FUCKIN' HEDGEHOG!!

Sonica: Yep, I'm no one special, just a girl who loves to chill and do good.

Xain: NO ONE SPECIAL?? You've saved the world on a multitude of occasions, you run faster than the speed of sound. And don't even get me started on you grabbin' the Chaos Emeralds. SUPER SAIYAN SHIT BRUH! Not to mention you do all this STYLISH! IT'S SO COOL!

Sonica: Well, when you put it like that...I guess I AM someone special, heh.

Xain: I've always wanted to be like you, ever since I was younger. My whole fit's based on your image in some ways!

Sonica: Never thought I'd meet someone as dedicated as you...a bit strange in all honesty. Say, what's your favorite past time?

Xain: Honestly? Rapping. It's all I've been doing for the past few months. Just bein' on the grind y'know?

Sonica: Aw yeah! I love rap, I jam out to it constantly! I also do a little bit of free styling when I'm bored.

Xain: Yee yee, I've seen you emcee in some commercials before! I wanna see if it was all a bluff.

Sonica: Commercials? That probably wasn't me, I hate public speaking and all that stuff. If you're tryna rap though, then let's chill and jam out! I've got nothing but time.

Sonica and Xain:


Xain: AHYUGH, AHCK... FUCK man, I knew you were fast when it came to running, but you spit fast as hell too! I barely even had a chance to catch my breath throughout that!

Sonic: I had that one memorized, I'm always thinking about it when I run through here. Plus, I DID carry you throughout that.

Xain: I aspire to be at that level of creativity with my music.

Sonic: Well, when you're chasin' baddies all the time, you gotta give yourself something to lose yourself to. It helps getting to the goal a lot easier.

Xain: It's funny. We rap for two entirely different goals. You rap to escape, I rap to entertain and get rest!

Sonica: Get...rest? Why would you need to rap in order to sleep?

Xain's Mind: "Wow...she's dense. She's just like me for real!"

Sonica: Hey lil dude, I never even got your name...

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