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Aiger is trying very hard to find his son but no use jk and fubuki vanish as they went into heaven but still aiger is trying his best...where tae is angry with jk and fubuki cause this is wrong they should not have done it. If they were here then tae must have made his way for jk and fubuki to meet their son but...now they make it worse...once aiger found them then he will never let them even see Jaki's face...which is not good for fubuki but he is not understanding! Aiger can even cause them that kidnap his son! They can be in jail for years...

Somewhere on the earth...

I told you to hurt him!" A man shouts from the phone

I Did! Don't you saw in past years? How much I hurt my love that he leaves me now 😓😢" jk said in his soft tone when he mention tae

I don't care how much you hurt him but he still marries someone! Why didn't you tell me?" That man said in an angry voice

Cause we also know a week before what is your problem with him that you want to hurt him so much" jk asks in anger as the memories of the past flash in his mind how much I hurt you baby' jk thought a tear escaped from his eyes

But that man didn't answer and cut the call...

Why God why? What is my fault in this why do I have to suffer why my love has to suffer? Can't we be happy like other couples can't we live like a simple person" jk said crying hard but then thought" he is not mine anymore he left me but before him, I left him alone, hurt, depressed, miserable, hopeless it's all because of me?! " he again questions himself

Somewhere on the earth...

Now that trash can not do anything for me! I have to handle this by myself and if I come to myself my rival will die for sure" that man laugh like a mental illness person looking at his past son's photo

His son was so dear to him his only blood and hire of his all companies he was the only person left for that man. He was the last sign of his love so much precious to him but sometimes God takes your most precious thing away from you!...

Away from this mental man his son was so soft-hearted, shy, lovely, and caring, don't want to even hurt a little thing which is alive and had life. He was so pure. his love for someone was too much pure. He loved someone so dearly and wanted his whole life with that person whom he love so much...


Japan's illegal companies and japan's top second businessman name choi haru was a lovely man until his wife was alive after his wife pass the started illegal businesses his only loved one left behind was his son Choi yeonjun...
He never wanna lose his son. Yeonjun also loves his father so much but sometimes doesn't like the way his father handles illegal business
And also want him to handle the business...but yeonjun doesn't want it he wants a peaceful life with someone who can hold him for a lifetime...but that someone never sees him in that way...

The story starts in japan...
The story of two best friends who were in the same school as each other and never want to leave each other... So happy. People used to get jealous of their friendship but some used to admire them...but they don't care what people said about them they just carry on their friendship with no payback.
As the days passed they went to high school but they never change with each other they were like kids with the same mindset...but as the days pass after one year of high school yeonjun start to feel for his best friend taehyung! But both of them were of the same gender which is why yeonjun was scared to tell tae his feelings. He is afraid to lose his best friend he doesn't want to take a risk...
More days passed now just one year left of high school and they decided to never leave each other and take admitted to the same university so they can spend more years with each other...tae was so open with yeonjun from the start cause he feels secure with him...but he never feels same as yeonjun and yeonjun know it very well that's why he never brings the topic of love...

One day they both were doing their homework that's when yeonjun starts coughed painfully and tae was rubbing his back tae gave him water he drank and soon he clam down...when tae saw blood on his nose the blood was coming out continuously. Tae panicked and was going to call the doctor when yeonjun snatch his mobile and said " it's nothing serious tae don't worry" he said as if nothing happened but tae started crying" are you out of your mind yeonjun? Your nose is bleeding for God's sake let's go, doctor!" Tae said while wiping his nose when tae heard a dry chuckle he looked at yeonjun " you care about me? Why tae what if you got to know that | I have only 6 months!| " a hard slap landed on yeonjun's face he falls. " don't even dare to joke around me it's really terrible you know!" Tae said while tears in his eyes ( they were sitting in the park away from all people as they were studying) but in return, he heard cries that he heard for the first moment..." I am not kidding" he said tae has no expression cause he knows yeonjun never lies to him but he can't accept this his can he his only best friend who knows everything about him same as him...no he can't leave him like this in the middle if way...tae was so deep in his thoughts when yeonjun call him loudly" tae are you listening?" Yeonjun asked tears in his eyes now had enough now he wanted to tell his feelings for tae to him he can't just keep it till he dies..." Tae I want to tell you something" he said tae was more worried now just now he heard the news of yeonjuns of 6 months when tae ask" what happened to you? If you have any disease then we can heal it with doctors! You don't need to worry I'm with you" tae said but yeonjun smile a fake one and said" this is a genetic disorder which my mother had and by her genes, it comes to me! And there is no cure for this disease. It says that in the first stage, it sucks most of the blood. In the second stage, the cells start to eat you from inside and the I'm in the second one there is no third stage! After 6 months I'll disappear away from this world..." Why didn't you tell me before if I knew it before then we would have gone to the hospital on your first stage " tae said while crying " even I knew it 2 months before when I was already in the second stage" he said sadly

Okay bye guys hope you like

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