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In the hospital...

When the doctor comes out done checking fubuki" how is he, doctor?" Jk asks" he is fine now don't let him take too much stress it's not good for his health," says that the doctor left leaving jk with fubuki who was also open-eyed

" I don't want to lose him jk please do something," he said looking at the ceiling," aiger said he will make Jaki lawfully his son if he did so we can't do anything," jk said in a dull tone

But how is this possible fubuki? You were pregnant by that incident and after that, we left abroad then how is this possible???" Jk asks still confused

I don't jk I'm also confused" fubuki said trying hard to remember this type of any incident but can't cause something like this never happened in his memory...then he remembered the night of that party

Jk, do you remember that night of.................(I'm not gonna write the whole story now hope you all remember if don't then read previous parts)

.........oh so you mean to say that day we didn't ° did° that?" Jk asks so much happy that he is still a virgin"

Yes, that means we didn't do anything like that and my love is my first 😍 im so happy jk" fubuki said so much happy same as jk now he also has proof to tell tae...

But now...it doesn't...mean they are... all ready...married..." Jk said in a sad tone that fubuki too thinks about that and jakies face comes in front of his eyes

But I don't want to lose my son jk" fubuki said crying " oh so now you know Jaki is not my biological so you'll call him only your son? I still love Jaki as my blood and even in the future you'll get away from me still I'll my Jaki as my child ok" jk said clearing everything to fubuki who nod in response.

Time skip...
At home...
Aiger and tae went to their bungalow. They will go to Japan In one week as they will take Jaki with them legally
"So what aiger told us is real" kiyara asked as jk and fubuki enter the house " what did he tell you?" Jk said afraid
" don't play now we know everything he even show us proof that jaki is his son," tala said in an angry voice Jhogi just look at her son with teary eyes

We both know it today too!" Fubuki said.............

This conversation lasted for 3 hours and then everyone left for their respective rooms

Jk and fubuki don't want to lose their only child so without telling anyone they left out of the country with Jaki on the same night...

When aiger gets to know this he was so furious but he will find them at any cost

Aiger stop now we will find them" tae said for the ninth time to aiger who is drinking continually " no tae how can they take him away my son we come to take their happiness they left with my happiness! How can they?" Aiger said in anger

Yes, it was all planned by tae and aiger to make them jealous and regret what they( jk and fubuki) have done to them and break their( tae aiger) hearts...
And that's why they wanted revenge on jk and fubuki...the love they gave them in return they get betrayal... it's not fair right?...
So they plan to play with them...aiger and tae were waiting for them for 2 years and when jk and fubuki come back...tae calls aiger secretly and tells him everything...
They both meet at a bar when tae went there like every other day to relieve pain in his heart same goes for aiger but today he comes to another bar the one he used to go to was closed today and today his pain was too much cause it was fubuki birthday...one brother and one lover were crying like a baby for their beloved ones...but they never come even to see them...both we're heavily drunk and talking in Alien language but it was time for the bar to close then they kick all the drunk people out as always...(😂😂)
Hey, who are you why are you sitting in my car" aiger said to tae who for no reason lost his temper and start bad-mouthing aiger ( you know drunk people)...and aiger also start his rap which was not in human language...and get inside the car while hitting his car which was park beside him...he thought it was taes car but poor him hitting his own car...
Both were so much drunk that without midding each other they slept in the car the whole night...when they woke up...they both sorry each other and like that they become friends...
After some days they both used to tell each other their secrets and soon they know their loved ones loved each other( hope you understand) then they plan to revenge...
There is nothing more than friendship between them...

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Bye bye take care

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