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It's already night...
Aiger was still there...

After talking so much and knowing each other they finally get up and went to eat dinner. Everyone sits on the chair two burning figures can be seen in the room

Oh, so you are the winner of the world championship wow! amazing!" Tala said as he was surprised to know aiger is a world championship winner & Kai too shocked

Yes I'm but I'll leave Beyblade now cause of the company and my future partner"aiger said looking at tae shyly who also look at him smiling but what they didn't notice was that fubuki was fuming in anger and jealousy and jk was sad

Tae's parents were so happy for tae they just want their son to enjoy his life and don't lock up in a cold room. his brother and sister-in-law were also happy for him

They all know how much tae suffered when jk left him but now he found his happiness in someone else who will take care of him and love him.

Jhogi and tala were happy for tae and his future they know how tae was broken down they pray for his happy life. They also felt guilty for whatever their son has done to him but what can they do just to pray for that poor soul?

They were eating when a little boy come from his room while rubbing his eyes " mom I'm hungry " he said all looked at him and cooed at his cuteness

Yes, my baby comes here " fubuki said and fill a plate of food and start to feed him. Shivin was angry with fubuki but not with his child.

Again silence filled the room when jk and aiger hold the same bowl at the same time " I hold it first gives me" jk said but no use cause aiger hold the bowl more tightly and said" sorry brother in law but I hold it first and I like it you can take another" aiger said jk look at him annoyed " who are you calling brother in law? " jk said in an annoying tone.

Yes, aiger who are you calling brother-in-law? He is no one to me so he is also no one to you."tae said looking at jk who was having a sad expression on his face.

Everyone looks at tae and again silence filled the room kai orders the maid to bring another bowl of soup and they start to eat.

Jk and fubuki were so much into their thoughts they didn't eat much or we can say they can't eat much cause they can't see their loved ones getting with someone who they are not.

After dinner...

Jk went to his room as he can't stay when aiger & tae were beginning to be lovely but fubuki can't go...he just can't cause after so many years he saw the person he loves the most and the big boom is that he brother whom he gave so much sadness and broke him apart now going to marry the love of his life as he did to him...

Fubuki was regretting why he didn't say yes when aiger ask him to become his boyfriend and when aiger was crying in front of him for his love he didn't give a f*ck to him back then. Didn't hear him and left him alone when aiger begged for him.

Now, aiger is not even looking at him ignoring him like he is invisible to him. Fubuki felt like dying when aiger touched tae softly and talk to him softly and love filled his eyes when he look at tae.

If that night never had come, this would have never happened" said fubuki a drop Tears fall from his cheeks.

Umm, uncle, I'll go then it's pretty late now " aiger said getting up from the couch where he was sitting with all the family

But it's too late aiger it's not good to go this late at night " fubuki said from nowhere and stand in front of him but a big distance between them

Aiger is not going anywhere" tae said aiger start the protest back but" no way you're going in this late at night why are you going you can just stay here," tae said holding aiger's hand in a couple of ways which fubuki don't like

Ok fine I'm not going, ok baby now stop talking let's go to your room I'm tired let's sleep " aiger said and held tae by his waist and buried his face in tae's neck which was out of control for fubuki now he looked at them angrily and run from there

Tae smirks and hold aiger's hand and went to his room others also went to their rooms and sleep

On another side...
How can you aiger?"fubuki shouted crying badly and throwing things inside the room here and there
Thanks to God that all the rooms are soundproof

Where jk was sitting in the corner and looking at the floor without blinking his eyes. He is calm from the outside but the storm inside of him is unstoppable

Fubuki has told jk about his love for aiger and how they end up very bad
Jk was surprised and guilty that because of him fubuki and aiger are not together. But fubuki tells him that it's not only his fault

And now, what now both of them are going through the same pain.' The pain of losing someone who was their love of life once but now going to be with someone who they are not '

Hurts right when the one you love the most leaves you for someone. Jk and fubuki are going through this feeling right now
But do they know that two souls already go through this pain and overcome it already?
No, you can't tell how much the one has suffered unless you are at the place of that one then you will feel how much they do through this!

Both of them were totally shattered!

Time skip...
In the morning...

It was breakfast time everyone was there but tae and aiger were not there kai told the maid to call them but then he saw the most precious thing he saw after so many years

Tae was coming down with Jaki and aiger. tae was so much laughing loudly and this laugh make everyone look at him with heart eyes

Jk was lost in tae's laughs and beauty tae's mother had tears in her eyes cause she saw her son laughing after so many years same goes for shivin and soli jeon couple also admiring the scene with smiles

Then they come down running catching each other" no don't come to me " jaki said while running away from aiger " yaa I'll catch you, little tiger " said aiger while running after tae who was running for life and laughing so much

Aiger catches Jaki and spines him around tae comes to them and aiger holds tae in bridal style and then tae holds jaki in his arms and then aiger starts to spin them

Their laughter filled the whole mansion and the three of them were looking like a happy family...

Ok, my dear readers here is another update and more thing is that my exams are near so I'll not update regularly and I even don't do so,

Sorry for the late update
And tell me how the part you like is telling me your thoughts ok!

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