I looked around the hallway, and I saw Dylan standing beside Gwen and staring at me in disbelief, and Daria was in the corner, weeping her tears out. But I cared less.

"You're not in your right state of mind. Even he's hurting." She pointed towards Harold. "Who do you think Ron is? If Harold had given those girls to him, he wouldn't have spared y'll anyway.." she sighed and looked at me softly.
"I understand. You're in pain after losing -" I cut her off harshly.

"No, you can not, because you didn't lose your son. I lost my daughter, and you can not even imagine what I'm going through.." I said in a wavered voice.
"And staying with him.." I pointed towards Harold.
".. only reminds me of Nadia's cruel death, and it makes me hate his sight even more. I despise him, and it is impossible for me to stay with him under one roof." I wiped my tears and prepared myself for my next sentence.
"I can not stay with my daughter's murderer.. anymore."

Harold was just quietly listening to my words with brimming tears in his eyes. He bit his trembling lips to calm himself from a panic attack.

But I was done with him.

I turned around and dragged the pram along with me, but suddenly Harold spoke up as I halted in my place.
"Something has changed in you..." he spoke up softly as I spun around with a glare.
"As more days will pass, you'll be more distant and cold towards me.." He swallowed and pursed his trembling lips. His eyes were red with tears filled in them.
"I don't consider your accusations towards me to be true... NEVER.." he sucked in a deep breath.
"I was just trying to protect her.." his voice broke in the end. He wiped his tears and looked at me with a pleading look.
"I'll leave you alone from now on, if that's what you want.... is that what you want?" He questioned, but I didn't have words to reply back.
"You know why I'd leave you alone?" He questioned again, and I just stood there, glaring at him.
"Because I care about your feelings more than mine.." he sighed helplessly.
"Because I love you!" He whispered, but I'll not let his words affect me.

With a stoic face, I turned around but again halted.
"Please don't take my kids away from me... I'll die without you and my kids." His sob broke into a cry as he gasped loudly.

I turned around to face him.
"So that you can kill them too." I spat maliciously.

"STOP it, Naomi!!" Gwen yelled with tears streaming down her cheeks.
"He has no one except you and these babies, how can you be so....cruel." She whispered the last word.

"I don't care!" I replied nonchalantly and turned on my heels just to get out of this place.

But before I could step out, Gwen came forward with her hands spread on either side of her, blocking my way.
"I'll not let you leave this house with two of them." She stated.

"What do you mean?" I gritted.

"I'm not stopping you from leaving.. No.." she shook her head in no. "I respect your decision, but even King needs someone to live for, let King have one kid, and you take the other one. It's a fair decision." She said.

"Keep your lawyer thing aside.. Gwen." I hissed in annoyance.

"It's just the right thing. Let the one kid stay with King." Dylan said and tagged along with Gwen. Again, blocking my way more to the door.

"So that he can kill -" I was cut short as Daria stood along with them.. blocking my way.

"He was trying to protect Nadia and you. I don't know why you can not see it." She wiped her tears and spread her arms apart.
"A savior can never be a murderer." She whispered as I gritted my teeth with clenched jaws.

"FINE!!" I exclaimed and turned to the pram.

I bent down to the twins and whispered a sorry to one baby before picking up the other one.

I faced the three of them, Dylan, Daria, and Gwen, with rage surging through my nerves.
"If anything happens to this baby.." I pointed at the baby inside the pram.
"I don't know what I'll do with you guys and him." I stated curtly before walking towards the door.

They excused themselves as I walked out of the door. But the fear and sadness of leaving the one kid behind with Harold was eating me up, but I did not have any option.

I can never stay with Harold after what he'd done to my daughter.


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