Chapter Eighteen

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I stretched out my legs, sleepily wiping the drool from my lips. Throwing my arms out, I yelped. I had forgotten that I was in a fort, which had just toppled. The sheet was much longer than I, and I was struggling to find the top. I flipped over on my stomach and then pulled myself to my knees. I heard a groan and then a deep chuckle. The sheet moved and Theo pulled me to safety in his arms.

I could feel his heartbeat beneath my palm, as it found his bare chest, "So you're cosplaying a ghost at seven thirty in the morning?" He bit his lip and gazed down at mine. My cheeks flushed and I wrapped my arms around him, my legs following their lead. I buried my face in his shoulder.

"I was attacked." I giggled, he flipped me around and hovered over me. It was a very compromising position and very intimate. I blushed when he lowered his body just a tad.

"Oh? Charlotte, I don't think you understand how it really is to be ambushed." He growled, a smirk dancing across his drowsy face. Giggling, I ran my fingers over hands that were now gripping my bare waist. My shirt had ridden up, and Theodore took full advantage.

"Are you going to show me?" I asked, licking my bottom lip.

He hitched my waist closer to him, that edge to his voice returning, "you bet I'm going to show you." Theo leaned down and pushed his lips to mine. Those intense butterflies from day one were still there, and I desperately pushed myself deeper into the kiss. I was hyperaware of his hands roaming my body, and the tingly trails that his fingers left. I wanted more, but after a mere couple of seconds, he pulled away.

"Right when you least expect it." He whispered. I gazed into his gorgeous green eyes and started to reach for his messy morning hair, but he was too quick. I was swept over his shoulder, and giggling and clinging to Theo for dear life. He stood up and started walking toward the hallway, but made the mistake of underestimating me. I flipped myself over his shoulder and landed with just enough agility to sprint across the living room and into the kitchen. I skid to the back door, barely noticing the black leather coat hanging on the barstool. As soon as I was outside, I was much more grateful for Theo's jacket. I slipped it on, ignoring the frost nipping at my bare legs. It wasn't until I was here, that I realized that I had no plan.

I tiptoed into the frozen lawn and tried to come up with my escape. I noticed the shed was cracked open and ran to hide in it. As soon as my foot found the entrance, I was spun around. Giggling, I tried to escape, but to no avail.

"Impressive Smith, where did you learn to do a flip like that?" Theo asked, pulling me and guiding my feet onto his. He had a pair of slides on, and I was just happy to get my pink toes off of the icy dirt. I tried to balance as lightly as possible.

"Well, my parents tried to improve my clumsiness by making me do gymnastics. Around the fourth year of seeing me face plant, my mom pulled me from the class. Guess I have some muscle memory." I giggled, our hands intertwined.

"Well, that sounds like a very useful skill." Theo's lips brushed against my cheek. "I would love to see how flexible that body is." I blushed. The constant flirting was all I wanted in a relationship, and it is definitely living up to its reputation. Suddenly the inside of his jacket lit up and started buzzing. Theo pulled his phone out of the breast pocket, winking at me. "You know how much I love seeing you in that." He kept me balanced with a single hand on the small of my back. He answered the phone, and I took my chance to rush out of the cold and to pick up the living room. It was the least I could do after destroying it.

I got the bedding into the wash right when Theo came back in. "Hey, so my mom left for work and I would love to take advantage of us having an empty house..." I took a deep breath. Was he serious? We have been dating for several months. But you have to be in love with someone before you I in love? Butterflies erupted in my stomach at the thought. Am I?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2017 ⏰

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