Chapter Eight

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We entered the parking lot and I heard the sound of an alarm going off. An alarm that sounded like mine.

"That's my car, it's really sensitive. How embarrassing." I turned it off and thanked Theo for sitting with me through all of that. He flashed me that really cute smile, and we departed.

I finally was able to get in my car. I just wanted to get out of here and have my dad psychoanalyze me after that experience. Shoving my keys in the ignition I let out a long curse. My car wouldn't start, it was currently spewing a guttural sound that sounded like that one time Sonja got sick. I felt like I was in the first chapter of a horrible romance book as I stepped from my car. Now all I need is to flag down a sexy police officer, or a mechanic just happening down this road. I've never had problems before, and I definitely didn't need one now.

After popping the hood for the first time, a cloud of vapor escaped and went right into my face. It took me a second, I needed to cough my lungs out, but I eventually was able to peek underneath the cover. Water, or something like that, was spewing from a couple of punctures in a hose. It was evident that foul play was involved because the weapon of choice was straddling the plastic tube still. I grabbed the pair of scissors and flipped them over in my hands. Goldbaum was written on the handle in permanent marker. Wow.

Who does that?

I threw the scissors in the grass in front of my car and wondered how she got into my car before being detained. It explains why my car was screaming earlier. And she was with a janitor, who, for all I know might also be a skilled mechanic. 

But still? Who does that?

Sighing I pulled my phone from my bag and looked up a number for the nearest tow truck. I dialed the number, and while waiting for someone to answer, a black pickup pulled into the empty spot next to me. I ignored them, and someone finally spoke on the other end.

"Hello? Johnny's tow. Johnny speaking." The heavy jersey accent caught me off guard.

I took a deep breath and hoped my social angst wouldn't be the death of me. "Hi! My name's Charlotte Smith. I'm a student at South Elk High."

"Hi, Charlotte. What can I help you with today, sweetheart?" He sounded friendly enough.

"Well, my car was broken into somehow, and they put scissors into one of the water pipes, I think. But I'm not the mechanic."

He hummed. "That's strange. Have you called the police before calling me?"

"Not yet, but I know who it was." I sat down on the grass next to the scissors.

"Well Charlotte, I suggest you call them up. I can pick up the car, and the scissors. Then the police can meet me at my shop, once I'm able to determine the actual damage done. Are you at school right now, sweetheart?" A shadow fell over me and then dropped beside me. Theo acknowledged me with a head nod, before texting someone on his phone. I took another deep breath and held back tears.

"Yeah I'm at school right now, my car's near the entrance. Hopefully, you get here before kids start leaving so that there's no confusion. Thank you, Johnny."

"No problem, sweetheart. I'll be there in a couple of minutes." I heard his truck door shut before he hung up on me. I stared at my phone a couple of seconds, before collapsing onto his shoulder. My tears got worse as Theodore's arms wrapped around me. He shifted his body to pull me into his chest.

"I know, Charlotte. I know." He protected me with his torso, shielding me from the rest of the world. And I wanted to cry so much more, but instead, I stood pulling away from this boy who was making me vulnerable. I didn't want anyone to see me like this, so I wiped my eyes and put on a smile.

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