Chapter Thirteen

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I got in bed, it had been a long day of chasing after little kids, and handling my parents. My mother continued to try and catch Theo and I in a love trap throughout the humiliating evening. Even going so far as to dimming the living room lights and turning on some soulful jazz as we played Life. There I was buying a house, then all of a sudden Reuben Wilson was blasting and I could barely see my card. Overall, I was exhausted and embarrassed.

That's why it surprised me when I got a text from the one person who I wanted to avoid until something else happened to take his mind off of what happened. Like a nuclear bomb hit my town and erased everyone's memories of today.

I'm going to call you when I get home. Don't fall asleep.

I felt my insides do somersaults reading the illuminated words. He was going to call me again, and he wanted me to stay up and talk to him. No matter how tired I am, I couldn't pass up this offer. This might be the most important message I'll ever get.

I'm a teenager, with an actual romance. Also known as my first ever romance. And as far as I'm concerned, I'm doing a pretty good job at it. I'm not heartbroken yet.

I fidgeted with my phone case, and as soon as the shrill ringing pierced my pitch black, and silent room, I answered. My nerves were high and I knew I sounded breathy. I didn't want him to think I was waiting for his call. That would just feed his massive ego.

"Hi." Too late, I didn't even let it once ring fully.

"Hello, is this Charlotte?" A familiar Jersey accent asked. I hadn't checked the caller I.D, fully expecting it to be Theo.

"Yeah! Is this Johnny?" I relaxed, combing through my damp hair. I had almost forgotten that I was supposed to pick up my car tomorrow. It was bittersweet. I would miss sitting in Theo's passenger seat, his hand always was inches away, resting on the gear shift. And I was very conscious of that, and something told me he was too.

"It is. Your car is patched up, nice and pretty. You can come in tomorrow morning and pick her up. Sorry for letting you know this late, I had just finished and decided to give ya' a shot. Just grateful you're up, and willing to take business calls."

I beamed in relief, "Thank you so much! You have no idea how thankful I am for your call. I should thank you a million times for this. It's been a rollercoaster and I really appreciate your willingness to work with me. I know that it probably wasn't fun or easy, so thank you." My phone started vibrating, and I was suddenly panicking. That was Theo! What if I missed his call?

"Sure thing, Charlotte. I'll see you tomorrow morning." I was relieved, the second round of vibrations starting in.

"I'll be there!" I hung up. If he had anything else to say, he can say it tomorrow. I quickly swiped the green answer button, and was more anxious. I got a glimpse at the caller ID and confirmed that it was, in fact Theo.

"Hey." I whispered, my hands tugging at my hair again. I was self conscious despite him being unable to see me.

"Hey, princess." He sounded sleepy, but it didn't affect how hot he sounded, still. Maybe I just don't understand anything to do with attraction, because these aspects are pretty far fetched, even for me. Why am I attracted to his voice?

"Are you home?" I asked, my limp hair was starting to take on curls.

He chuckled, "I said that I would call you when?" He asked, and the corners of my mouth started to turn upwards. I thought about going through the our messages, just to prove him wrong. But I knew the answer already, and it wasn't going to magically change because I was in a pickle.

"When you got home."

"That's right, princess." I leaned back into my pillows.

With a deep breath, I mustered some courage. " Do you want to take me to the auto shop, tomorrow? Please? It'll be the last one, I promise. My car's finally fixed." There was silence on the other end.

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