Chapter Five

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I avoided his gaze and opened my locker. There were my calculus books. They were supposed to come out with a flourish, but I kind of stumbled and my notebook almost fell from my arms. I swallowed, and turned to the lounging boy. He was texting someone, probably Jade. A sleepy smile slipped onto his face as he glanced away from his phone at me.

"You look hot." He mumbled, and blood rushed to my face.

"What?" I took a step away from him.

"You are wearing a huge coat, and it's like seventy degrees in here. Not to mention you look a bit clammy." Oh. Oh. I slipped my dad's Carhartt off my shoulders and stuffed it into my locker.

"Sorry, I'm nervous." I finally closed my locker, and clutched my books to my chest in a death grip, started toward Mr. Torrents class. Suddenly I was spun around and held into place against the lockers by Theo's knees, his left hand still holding my cast against the lockers, and held his phone. His right cradled my neck.

"What happened?" His voice changed from lighthearted to distress.

"Relax." I shoved him away with my book filled hand. "My cat just bested me." I quickened my pace toward calculus.

He put his phone in his pocket and followed after me. "Why are you nervous, Princess?" I stopped.

"Don't call me that. I have a calculus pop quiz right now." He cocked his head, and we both had stopped. I actually wasn't that apprehensive about math. It was Theodore that agitated me.

"How do you know when there's going to be a pop quiz?" His voice was confused.

"Mr. Torrent always makes a joke about a quiz the day before he gives one. Nobody pays attention in class or they would have known that." I started walking again, Theo on my heels.

"Wait, so you basically you have known this for however long you have, and haven't given anyone this information? How long have you held this secret?" He was honestly bewildered.

"Three years." I reached my classroom and sat in my desk.

"Three years. Why haven't you told someone?" If I didn't know better, I would have said he sounded offended.

"Nobody asked." I pulled out my refrence sheet and started studying. It's an easy quiz, but could be difficult if someone didn't pay attention. "Jumping jack rabbits!" I jumped up.

"What?" I ignored Theo and sprinted to my locker just in time for the first bell to ring. Digging through my shoulder bag I exhaled loudly and kissed my graphing calculator. Theo chuckled, and I just realized he had been pursuing me. "You should go to class." I muttered, avoiding his gaze.

"Okay, see you next period. Princess." He announced before strutting in the opposite direction. That queasy feeling stirred in my stomach yet again. With my head ducked I stopped lingering and went to take my quiz, which was hell writing with my left hand. Honestly I never gave kids with this problem enough credit.

I spent all first and second period psyching myself up for lunch. Now I was in Mr. William's class, and we were doing a physics lab. All about density and some gram-mass formula sprinkled in. My absolute favorite. If you can't detect extreme sarcasm, it's heavy in that sentence.

My lab partner David and I had finished about fifteen minutes in, and now I perched on the lab stool, chatting with him.

"What did you do this weekend?" He asked as I jotted down some more notes that might help on the exam next week.

"Oh, I babysat." I glanced up and met Theo's attention. He gave me that sleepy smile again, and my heart fluttered. I returned my concentration to David.

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