Chapter Nine

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I sat on my bed with Sonja in my lap and wiped the tears that kept slipping from my eyes. My mom had promised her support and then gave me my space. She wasn't the best at emotions like this, and I think she's honestly disappointed that my marriage to Theo wasn't going to happen.

This wasn't a pretty situation, my face was tear stained, my cat was pawing at me. He looked confused, trying to figure out what was wrong. I hiccuped and combed my fingers through his fur.

My heart was beating much too fast. And the most accurate description for this feeling was like I was being crushed, but only my chest. And I didn't even break up with him!

This was ridiculous! Most girls wouldn't cry over something like this, they would go hang out with their friends and laugh about the silly boy that got away. They would go shopping and go to a party. Then they would go to the movies, rebound with another boy who was fawning over them.

But I'm not most girls. I don't have a boy who's not very discreetly in love with me. My only friends were Theo's friends first and would side with him in a heartbeat. This sucked. 

I wish I could take pictures of the crime scene and prove my innocence, but there was no trail left behind. Not to mention, am I really innocent. I did allow it to happen, knowing that Theo and Jade were together.

Pictures...The last picture I took was of Theo and Luke. It turned out really good and I planned to print it, but I forgot. He got me so distracted, it sucked me away from what I love doing. That's what I'll do today!

I jumped from my bed and headed down to my basement with my laptop. On my way I picked up my old camera, praying that the sd card was still in it. It was. I clicked it out and jammed the old thing into my laptop's slot. After some dragging and grabbing the USB that was labeled Luke, I started shuffling files around.

"Wait! Charlie! Your fa-fo-phone is ringing!" Luke bounded down the steps, flipping on the lights as he went, and waving my cell phone around.

"Thank you Luke, but remember what I said about the lights down here? Ask me, just in case I'm soaking the paper." I snatched my phone from his hands. Gosh, I'm so bitter, I'm going to need to apologize to my brother for this. Maybe after my panic attack subsides.

"Hello?" I snapped into the phone, as I clicked print.

"Hey Charlotte, It's Jade. Theo just called me and wasn't exactly making sense. He told me to never speak to him again and I'm not sure what exactly is happening right now. Could you help fill in the blanks for me? I know he was with you last."

"Oh my goodness! Yeah, I know what he was talking about. I'm so sorry. Actually, I need to get out of this house. My car was just taken in, so do you think you could pick me up and we could talk about it? You might hate me, but at least you'll know the truth."

"Yeah, sure. What's your address?"

I sat on my porch waiting for Jade to pick me up. Honestly, I couldn't believe what was happening. I felt like a candidate for the next hottest drama. We could title it, Charlotte's Misfortunes. The main girl was a mistress and the wife, who thought she was going to be her best friend is going to find out about her husband. It's a classic setup for a murder mystery as well. Maybe that would be better than what's really happening.

Let's recap: A boy set himself on fire and pushed me off the roof when I tried saving him, broke my arm, I got called into the principle's office for the first time in my life, developed a crush on the boy who broke my arm, got my first friends, witnessed two people having sex at my school, met a detective, got my car towed, and now broke up my crush and his girlfriend. In the span of a week.

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