Post-Book Author's Note

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Hi there! It's the author here, presenting myself to you through text form, like I do any other time I write an Author's Note.

This time, I wanted to talk with you, the reader, after the book to discuss a few things.

Firstly, if you're seeing this current message, then that means Book 3 has not begun or finished. Once Book 3 is finished, I will delete this message and simply direct the reader to there if they are interested :)

Speaking of Book 3, I've got a few key details I wanted to share anyone interested.

- The book will only be around 15 chapters. I know, it's pretty short and that may disappoint a few of you. However, this book serves as separate entity that ties up storylines for every major character that's appeared thus far, including characters you may not consider (Looking at you, Ash and Serena's clones). This means that each chapter is going to be around 8000 words to properly conclude different arcs I've introduced in this or the previous book. Hopefully the longer chapters that bring together everyone's story can make up for the short chapter count.

- The first chapter will be uploaded on April 21st, which is a Friday three weeks from now. This will serve as a preview for the book, so as to show a glimpse of what this book will be about. Within the Author's Note of that book, I will outline the schedule for each chapter, which will likely be regular publishing around June.

- I'm looking forward to this project, as being able to finally finish off certain stories I've created will be very fun. I'm hoping everyone feels satisfied with the ways that things turn out for most of the characters.

Now that that's out of the way, I want to also talk with you about other projects I have going on besides the upcoming third book.

First announcement.

In light of Ash leaving the anime, I wanted to honor him in the way I know best; writing. So, after concluding the third book this summer, I will start publishing a new series involving possible adventures that he may go on after his departure from the anime.

This new series will be a collection of oneshots (stories that last for one chapter and don't share a story arc between chapters), and they'll simply be little fun adventures that Ash and Pikachu may embark on. These likely won't involve major ships and or any grand plotline, but I'm hoping this simple project can make some of you happy. I know the fact that Ash leaving made a lot of us unhappy, so I'm hoping to bring some more happiness when I begin publishing those months from now.

Second announcement.

I'm formally announcing the new series after Book 3 and the slice of life oneshots.


Project Renewal.

This new project, which will be the next major series after concluding this one, is essentially an entire retelling and rewriting of the Pokemon anime, starting from the first day of Ash being a Pokemon trainer.

New characters, new character arcs, new teams, new traveling companions, new storylines, new villains, new outcomes.

The goal here is to provide a different perspective on the entire anime, at least for Ash's run of it. While I don't want to sound pretentious, I believe with more character development and a vision, I could craft a more fleshed out version of the anime; one that has more intentional decisions without the worry of the next generation.

A bunch of more information, including titles, cover art, and even music (I'm very excited for this), will be revealed after I wrap up Book 3 and the oneshots, so please stay tuned for this.

That's all in regards to information.

Now, I just wanted to thank you, the reader for being so patient with me despite my many clear breaks.

My life has changed quite a bit recently, so being able to write more as been a bit more difficult than it used to be. However, this doesn't mean I'll ever stop. This is simply too much fun and interacting with each and every one of you makes me happy.

So, once again, thank you for reading.

I hope to see you in the next book.

~ Particulan :)

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