Chapter 29 - Monstrosity

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Goh knew exactly where he needed to go next, but first, he needed to send a quick text to the group to avoid any further suspicion than he already had thanks to his botched attempt at getting Chloe on his side. He still didn't understand why she had not been on his side, given that the two were close friends.

Goh had decided to go right back to Snowbelle City, as he knew that the old Team Rocket members were there and might know something about Trent and Kiera, the names Giovanni had given him. As he flew atop of Flygon once more, an activity he was starting to grow tired of, he composed a quick message to send to his friends individually.

Hey, you guys! I'm busy catching Pokemon right now. I think I'm close to catching every Pokemon; Mew seems closer than ever. I'm sorry I can't be there right now. The Professor has got a workload cut out for me, so I'm working on that currently. Hope to see you guys soon!

He felt it was simple and nice enough to come from Goh himself, so it worried him when he got a text from Ash himself a few minutes after sending the message. Out of all the people he had to interact with, Goh worried about Ash the most; he was unaware of how much training he had gotten on the island and was always running the risk of being caught.

Hey, Goh! Glad to hear from you. Look, I didn't have the chance to say much back in Snowbelle City, but I want to now. I'm really glad that we found you and that you're okay. As much as we honestly wanted you to come with us to Pallet Town, I like to think I'd know what it's like to just want to leave it all behind.

I'm going to compete in the World Coronation Series again, so we're going to see all of the Pokemon that I caught in my previous journeys! I never got to see them with you, but I'm sure you might be able to someday. I'm going because I need a few more Pokemon to fill up my team completely.

Anyways, I mainly just wanted to say how sorry I am for leaving. Everyone else here has managed to forgive me, but if you don't, then I understand. It was just super tough to lose my Pokemon and I had no idea how to cope with my crumbling reality. That's why I ran away, I guess. Or at least, that's one of the reasons. I think you can guess who the other reason is.

Goh was almost to Snowbelle City but was intrigued by Ash's exposing message, so he continued reading. After all, there was so much personal information being shared in this private message that Goh could easily use to take down Ash.

Speaking of that person, I'm not sure what's going on. I know you were one of the first people to realize I had feelings for Serena, but you also helped me understand those feelings. It feels like our reunion should have been perfect and amazing, but it was just a lot of fighting and disappointment.

We've managed to make amends, but I have no idea what's going to happen from here. We haven't managed to find time to talk to each other privately, and she hasn't said anything about any form of a relationship. I might just be getting in my way, but I guess time will tell.

Anyways, that's it. I've been typing this whole thing while walking toward Professor Oak's lab. We're almost here and I want to make sure I'm in the right headspace for choosing the correct Pokemon, so hopefully, I'll talk to you later in person.

~ Ash

Most of the conversation, while important to the actual Goh, was not important to Mewtwo, who had landed at Snowbelle City. He made his way over to the Pokemon Center and walked in, avoiding talking to Nurse Joy and heading straight for the restroom.

Goh thought that humans were very inefficient, and using the restroom was no exception. A waste of paper and water, he thought to himself as he walked in and flicked the light. He hadn't relieved himself in this form, so it took him a while to figure out how to do so.

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