Chapter 59 - Fought

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Quick Author's Note:

Ash and Pikachu's era in the Pokemon Anime is finished. My thoughts on this, while long and detailed, don't matter. I've loved reading everyone else's perspective on Twitter and other platforms, so I just wanted to say thank you to Ash, Pikachu, and everyone else revolving around him for providing me with this opportunity and hobby, and for filling my life with a certain happiness for years.

(P.S.) At the end of this book, I'm going to announce a bunch of things regarding this series, a new one, and another project.

Thanks :)

~ Particulan


"Ash, don't!"

Serena watched as Ash charged forward angrily at the equally charging Mewtwo; she began to reach out her hand to try to grab him, but Bonnie quickly ran up from behind her and pulled her back. "Serena, you'll get hurt, too!" She exclaimed, grunting as she pulled Serena back into the group of trainers behind them.

"I know, but he's gonna get hurt!" She cried worriedly, reaching out with one hand as the two rivals full of hatred began approaching each other quickly.

Ash extended his arm, balled into a fist of fury, and landed a direct punch at Mewtwo's stomach. He had attempted this insane gambit years ago but was limited by Mewtwo's psychic power. Here, however, no such barrier had stopped him, leading to a full and powerful blow that nearly knocked the air out of Mewtwo.

"That was a mistake," Mewtwo responded telepathically. It seemed that although Mewtwo's ability to telekinetically move objects and control minds had been stripped away, his ability to communicate with words had managed to be the last bit of his psychic powers remaining.

Mewtwo swiftly reached out and smacked Ash across the face, leaving a large mark where it impacted. Although Mewtwo was most powerful with his psychic abilities, his physical strength wasn't to be underestimated, especially at the moment when finishing off Ash was necessary.

Serena, alongside everyone else, looked on as they began exchanging raw blows. A battle like this between humans and Pokemon had never occurred like this, so every eye in the area was glued onto this spectacle. From behind them, Professor Sycamore and Clemont ran out of the lab, clearly hearing the silence from the lack of battling and wanting to see what had happened.

They ran up beside Serena, who looked over with a frown. "What's going on here?" Clemont asked, seeing the tears forming in Serena's eyes. "Ash was screaming when we got here, and now he's fighting Mewtwo directly!" She pointed to the current brawl, placing a look of shock on Sycamore and Clemont's face.

Adjusting his glasses, Clemont quickly spoke up. "Why is Mewtwo not using his powers?" He asked Serena, who shook her head. He then looked over at Bonnie with a questioning face. "And why are you here?! It's too dangerous!" Bonnie ignored the second question and decided to answer the first.

"We don't know why Mewtwo's not using his powers," she replied, taking a few steps back from the duel. "He said something about a spiritual tether and a sacrifice that Goh made?" She looked over at Clemont, whose face fell at the mention of Goh. "What happened to Goh?"

Clemont stared straight ahead at the battle, unanswering of Bonnie's question. "He must be really angry at Mewtwo," he whispered to himself, realizing what Goh's death meant to Ash at the moment. Bonnie looked at her brother in worry before turning to Professor Sycamore, who took a deep breath as he answered her inquiry.

"Goh died."

"He what?" Bonnie asked, making sure she had heard him correctly. In her mind, there was no way this could've happened; it had to have been a mishearing. Professor Sycamore swallowed and began tapping his foot. "There were some complications. And he died." He felt guilty about the way he was wording it but felt like it was the best way to do it given the circumstances.

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