Chapter 45 - Avoidance

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Ash watched as Flygon swooped low, dropping Goh on the ground near Ash and charging towards the distracted and inflicted Mewtwo. "Ash!" Goh exclaimed, running over to the grounded Ash. "Are you okay? I saw you fall with Mewtwo!" He reached down with his hand to Ash, who blankly looked back at Goh.

"How are you alive?" Ash asked, blinking a few times. Goh raised an eyebrow before looking back over at Mewtwo, who was struggling to get up from the ground as Flygon continued using Dragon Breath on him. "We can talk later," Goh said in an oddly confident tone. "Right now, we need to get out of here."

Ash grabbed Goh's hand and pulled himself up. As he did, he felt the weight of his belt and saw that somehow, it had returned to his waist. Looking back up at Goh, he gave a puzzled look. "Get out of here?" He asked in disbelief. "We need to stop Mewtwo right now or else he's gonna-"

"Destroy the entirety of humanity. I know," he said, turning back to Mewtwo, who had begun pushing back against the constant barrage of Flygon. "But I can promise you that Mewtwo can't be defeated by sheer force. We'll lose that battle." Turning back to Ash, he squeezed the hand that he was still holding and stared at him. "I need you to trust me."

Ash frowned and slightly grunted as he realized that if anyone was going to understand how to stop Mewtwo, it was going to be Goh. "Fine, but how are we even going to get away without Mewtwo chasing after us?" Ash asked, hearing Mewtwo's cries as he tried to fight against the Dragon Breath. "I only caught him off guard, which is why Flygon can hold him back, but I think we can create a temporary solution for that problem," Goh replied, pulling out two Pokeballs from his belt.

"What's in there?" Ash asked as Goh tossed them, revealing an Alakazam and a Venusaur. "Woah, are those your Pokemon, Goh?" Goh nodded slightly and turned to the two specifically chosen Pokemon. "Venusaur, I want you to quickly use Sleep Powder on Mewtwo, and don't stop even after he falls asleep," he ordered; Venusaur quickly listened and began constantly throwing green powder in Mewtwo's direction, putting him to sleep and not allowing him to push back against them. Goh brought his arm up and returned Flygon, stopping the onslaught of Dragon Pulses.

"That'll keep him asleep for a few hours," Goh remarked, turning back to Ash. "Go ahead and grab Alakazam's shoulder." He said this while also placing his hand upon the spoon-bending Psychic-type. "What's gonna happen to Venusaur?" Ash asked, making the realization that Goh was gonna teleport them away from their current location. "I trust that he can find his way to us, wherever we may end up," Goh replied, his voice shaking a little as Ash put his hand on Alakazam's yellow shoulder.

"Alright, I do, too," Ash responded, looking over at the Kanto starter; he hadn't stopped covering Mewtwo in the green powder that inhibited sleep, so Ash knew they would be safe for quite some time. "You ready?" Goh asked, staring at Ash with nervousness; nodding back, the raven-haired trainer took a deep breath. He knew that Alakazam was their only way out, as his Pokemon were likely too exhausted.

"He's gonna use our consciousnesses as a suggestion to where we should be teleported," Goh explained, running his hand through his messy hair. "So try to focus on a place that's safe and far from here." Ash gave a curt nod and smiled slightly at Goh. "I'm ready." Goh returned the nod and turned to Alakazam. "Do it," he stated straightforwardly, causing Alakazam to hold his spoons up as a bright light surrounded them, disappearing and leaving behind nothing but Venusaur and the fear that was Mewtwo.


Goh felt the tiled flooring with his hands; his vision was blurry and he had a hard time standing up, but he knew that they had ended up elsewhere, somehow. He pushed against the ground and weakly brought himself up, feeling the soreness of his arms as he did so. "Ash?" He muttered, blinking his eyes to try to reset his vision. "Ash, are you here?"

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