Chapter 30 - Laboratory

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Ash ran up the steps of Professor Oak's Lab, bursting through the initial gate and skipping every other step. "Ash, wait up!" Serena was close behind, barely keeping up. "Ash! I know you want to introduce us to your Pokemon, but we have all day!" Serena exclaimed, catching up as Ash stopped and turned around.

"I know, but I'm just really excited to see my old friends!" Ash exclaimed, a gleam of childish happiness in his eyes. "Pika!" Pikachu exclaimed from upon his shoulder, agreeing with his trainer. Serena crossed her arms and smiled, letting out a small sigh. "I'm just glad to see you so happy again," she said quietly, closing her eyes. "Ever since you got back, you've been brooding the whole time."

Ash's smile faded. "Have I?" He asked, unaware of his disposition. Instead of answering his question, Serena frowned and looked into his eyes. "Ash, I do accept your apology, but I feel I need to know about what happened on that island," she said solemnly. "Including the night the fire happened."

Lowering his hands, Ash mirrored Serena's frown. "I just... I'm not sure I'm ready to explain all of that yet," he mumbled, looking down at the ground. Serena sighed in disappointment but eventually shook her head. "Again, I do forgive you for leaving, but I just don't know if I can fully trust you yet, Ash."

"I understand," he said, nodding his head. Looking down the stairs behind Serena, Ash noticed the lack of his other three friends. "I guess we both sprinted too fast from my house," he chuckled; Serena looked behind her and saw Clemont, Bonnie, and Chloe all far behind, running as fast as they could.

"You guys! What the heck!" Bonnie cupped her hands and yelled as she got closer to the two. "I know you're all excited to be with Ash, but you don't need to run that fast, Serena," she remarked sarcastically. Serena's face grew red and she loudly whispered, "Bonnie!" Ash snickered and shook his head.

Pretty soon, the entire group was walking together towards the door to the lab; Clemont had been so out of breath that he swore he was going to pass out. Taking a deep breath, Ash knocked three times boldly. He sat there for a moment, worrying if anyone would even answer the door; Pikachu got so bored that he hopped off Ash's shoulders and allowed himself to be pet by Bonnie.

Luckily for him and everyone else, the door began to unlock and it opened, revealing a young man with short brown hair. "Can I help you?" He asked in a formal voice; he wore a lab coat and had thin, rimmed glasses. Ash raised an eyebrow; he had a feeling he recognized this person, but couldn't quite understand it.

"Hi, is Professor Oak around?" Ash asked, peering over the shoulder of the man. "He is, but he's busy right now. I can help you with whatever you need," he replied matter-of-factly. Ash frowned and crossed his arms. "I don't think the Professor would mind if I just paid him a quick visit. After all, he's known me for a long time now."

"And who would you be?" The man responded, growing impatient. "I'm Ash; I got my buddy Pikachu here from him a long time ago," he explained, gesturing towards Bonnie petting Pikachu calmly. The man stared at Ash for a second before a large grin formed on his face. "Wait, Ash? You're Ash Ketchum?" He asked excitedly.

Rolling his eyes, Ash prepared for the sudden excitement from seeing 'the savior of the world', a custom he had grown tired of. Instead, the man hugged him tightly and held his shoulders as he brought his head back. "It's Tracey! From when you traveled the Orange Islands! It's been so long!" The man, who claimed to be Tracey, explained happily.

Ash's jaw dropped; he quickly closed it and smiled back. "You looked so different, I couldn't tell it was you," Tracey admitted, shaking his head. "Same here. I thought you were some snobby scientist," Ash replied, chuckling. "Well, that's partly true. Professor Oak is going to be retiring soon, so I've been slowly taking over his position as the lead professor here," Tracey explained.

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