Chapter 3: The Blackbolt

Start from the beginning

Fenko is agreement as they enter the tavern separately under the impression that two well armed dwarves entering together would arouse unnecessary attention.

Fenko walks around the tavern searching for their target while Durgon watches from afar. Fenko eventually finds a beardless dwarf recognizing the fellow as their target.

"Hello Teskee, got a minute?" Fenko asks sitting across from Teskee who's eyes widen recognizing Fenko as one of Abastion's men.

Teskee gets up to run but a bolt pierces his shoulder pinning him into the chair thanks to Durgon and his crossbow. Durgon pulls back on a lever causing the crossbow to self load a bolt, a perfect example of dwarven engineering.

"Not soo fast Teskee, we gotta talk after all." Fenko points out with a smirk as Durgon approaches the table with Blackbolt resting on his shoulder.

Teskee sighs sweating nervously with Durgon resting his finger on the trigger of Blackbolt.

"If this is about me not paying? I assure it's not on purpose, I'll pay! It's just... Taking longer than I'd like." Teskee expresses but Durgon and Fenko exchange glances.

"Why?" Fenko questions as Teskee sighs placing a satchel on the table motioning for Fenko to open it.

Durgon motions Fenko to do so. Fenko sighs opening the satchel as his eyes furrow in confusion seeing some glowing metallic like stones.

"Bergallia's tits, Durgon these are Magius stones... A single one's worth a fortune, this turtle fucker has five of them on him." Fenko states as Durgon looks in surprise holding one of the Magius stones.

Durgon is rarely surprised but this? Warrants such a reaction.

"How the hell did you get your hands on these? Such things are quickly sold into royal markets by the mining business." Durgon points out wanting an explanation.

"I uh... I got a friend who stole those for me, I wasn't gonna be able to pay before but I assure you, I'll pay once I sell these stones." Teskee expresses but Durgon and Fenko tell him there's no time for him to sell them. "But... Here take two and tell Abastion this is my payment, I'll keep the rest to myself to sell.

Durgon hums lowly as he swiftly pulls out the bolt from Teskee's shoulder who holds it in pain.

"Works for me." Durgon says taking his leave with two Magius stones in his grasp with Fenko following him out. "Here, head on back to Abastion and give him these to him, I'll meet you at the Braska estate."

The two go their separate ways as Durgon preps to meet with the nobles as he definitely doesn't care for the higher class that much. Especially since he remembers being spat on nobles as an orphan.

Durgon arrives at the estate and decides to wait for Fenko as he'd rather not tolerate the nobles by himself. He feels Fenko lightly hit his shoulder.

"Did you have to leave me to Abastion? Caught him in the middle of... Well... My point is I hate talking to him." Fenko complains.

Durgon looks over replying that he doesn't like talking to Abastion either, arguably more than him. Their attention is gained when a dwarf in heavy plated armor approaches the gate of the estate.

"Oi, state your business." He says having been watching the Durgon for a good while.

"We're here under Abastion's orders, to act as bodyguards to the Braska girl looking for a suitor." Durgon replies slipping the document through the gate.

The guard scoffs taking the document ripping it open and reads it to himself with little enthusiasm.

"Ugh very well, mind your attitudes marked ones, otherwise we'll gut you where you stand." The guard threatens bitterly and opens the gate.

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