V.20 A teacher goes missing

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"By the way, Ms Delmond did not show up for our biology class this morning," Liz casually told us during lunch break.

"Really? Did they send another teacher to substitute for her?" Nancy asked.

"We waited for five or so, then Gabriella went to to the secretary's office to make inquiries," her sister replied.

"Who is Gabriella again?" I prodded.

"Gabriella Lombardi. She is the head girl of our form and also one of my friends. Anyway, almost fifteen minutes passed before finally Mr Palmer came to our classroom and took over."

"Perhaps Ms Delmond is ill or something," Natty ventured.

"Probably," Nancy agreed.

We did not attach any importance to it at the time. But two days later the teacher still appeared to be missing.

As Lizzie told us, Ms Delmond had failed to show up to teach a chemistry class in the Lower Fifth. In her place, their form teacher Ms Douglas had appeared before the class. She had been accompanied by a police officer who had proceeded to ask Liz and her classmates questions.

"He wanted to know when we had last seen Ms Delmond and if we had noticed anything unusual about her behavior," Nancy's sister reported.

"So, did you tell him about her walks in the park at night, or about her attempts to sell those pieces of jewelry?" Natty asked.

"No, I didn't. I mean, I was uncertain about whether or not to mention that. Then, on a hunch I decided not to." Liz frowned. "Do you think I ought to have told the police about that?"

"It's hard to say." Nancy shrugged. "I guess I wouldn't have told them about it either, if I had been in your place." She turned to address the rest of us. "Anyway, what do you think happened to Ms Delmond? Perhaps, your friend Nick got her, Nat? Or his boss, what was his name again?"

"Keith. And no, I think that is highly unlikely. Neither Nick nor Keith are that stupid," Natty pointed out. "I expect they will do everything to keep their distance from her, especially after I warned Nick about the possibility that the police might show up on their doorstep and ask questions. She may have contacted others though, perhaps in London or some other place where they are not so easily scared if you mention the police."

"Well, for her own sake I hope that this is not what happened. I hate to imagine that she has been beaten up or worse." Liz shuddered. "She has always gone out of her way to be nice to my classmates and me."

"As you say, let's hope that nothing awful happened to her," I agreed, "and do not worry too much about her, Liz. Tomorrow she may reappear with a perfectly good explanation for her absence. In the meantime, I am going to talk to my tutor Allie and her friend Lena to see if they have got any additional information."

That day, I did not have a class during third period so I took the opportunity to walk to the southern part of the school building where Allie's office, and adjacent to it, her friend Lena's office were located.

A St. Albert's scarf had been tied to the doorknob of my Allie's office which meant that she was currently meeting with one of the students she tutored.

I sat down on a bench that had been placed there for girls who were waiting for their turn to talk to Allie or to Lena.

After a couple of minutes, the door to Allie's office opened and a girl stepped out. She had big brown eyes and the most beautiful long dark hair.

The girl was facing the door opening as she continued to speak with Allie who was staying inside. I could not help but notice that the girl was meditatively rubbing her backside as they talked.

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