V.17 Natty to the rescue

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"So the Head chewed you out in front of your dad and told him in unnecessary detail how she spanked you, right there in her office, Hart?" Mallory summarized. "That must have been a bit awkward."

"You bet it was awkward, Carmichael," I grimly replied.

The two of us were walking in the park, during first intermission, the day after I had been summoned to Laura Stuart's office. Mallory had lost no time to ask me what had happened there.

"Personally I believe that it ought to be left to the head girl of the form to administer all the required spankings," she now casually observed.

I rolled my eyes at her. "You do, huh?"

"What?" Mallory made a credible attempt at affecting an innocent smile.

"You are the head girl of our form, Carmichael."

"I am aware of that, Hart. Regrettably, it would have fallen on me to take you over the knee and do what needed to be done."

"Regrettably, Carmichael?" I glared at her. "Regrettably?"

"Well, in a manner of speaking." Mallory smiled. "Do you remember that time when I had to spank you, Hart?"

There was a dreamy look on her face that I did not like.

"I have been trying real hard to erase that particular incident from my memory, Carmichael. Thank you so much for reminding me of it."

That was not exactly the entire truth, but I did not wish to encourage her to come up with some pretext or other to repeat that exercise. I knew from experience that Mallory could become very creative if it served her whim.

Those impossibly green eyes focused on me.

"Ah, but do you also remember what happened in the aftermath of that spanking, Hart?"

My face grew warm. Yes, I did remember that part. I remembered it vividly. So did my body.

"You do, don't you, Hart?" There was a sparkle in her eyes. "Of course you do."

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. I noticed that I had started to chew on my lower lip.

Mallory cast a brief look first to the left and then to the right. She took my right hand.

"You must be crazy, Carmichael," I whispered as she led me behind a bit of shrubbery nearby, presumably to make sure that we were out of sight of any student or teacher who might happen to look our way. "What if somebody walks along that path and"

"Hush." She kissed me. Her hands had strayed under the skirt of my school uniform.

"This is madness, Carmichael." My hands slid under Mallory's skirt to cup her butt cheeks.

"I knew you'd remember what happened after I spanked you," she whispered and then, after her fingers touched the fabric of my knickers in a certain place, "You remember it fondly, don't you, Hart?"

I stifled a moan as I felt the back of my panties slide down.

Mallory was kneading and squeezing my bare behind now. My right hand slipped under the waistband of her panties, exploring first her bum and then the area a bit further south.

"Looks like I am not the only one who remembers it fondly, Carmichael," I observed.

"Oh yes, very much so," Mallory agreed, somewhat breathlessly.

We stopped talking and concentrated on kissing and making out, after that.

Eventually, inevitably, the bell sounded, signaling the end of first intermission.

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