Author's Note

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I have been debating with myself for some time about whether or not I ought to write a Book Five of the Temporal Exploring 101 series.

There are good arguments against writing such a sequel. After all, the fourth book in the series, Deep Future, offers a satisfactory and comprehensive conclusion of the story. Cathy has successfully completed her task by proving that her classmate Natalie at St. Albert's is none other than the famously elusive author of the Red Notebook, Natty Fogg. With the assistance of Natty and their friends she also managed to solve the mysteries surrounding the identity and purpose of people or groups like the Ruggedly Handsome Devil, Erin's grandma and the Meddling Natives. The conclusion of Book Four includes happy endings for almost all of the characters involved in the story.

There still remain a few open questions, such as what will happen with Natty when Cathy returns to the 23rd century. In the final chapter (and in the final sentence, too) of Deep Future Cathy, in response to Natty asking that particular question, replies with a somewhat flippant "Time will tell".

I can hear several of my readers ask, and legitimately so, "How about, 'The author will tell'?" Well, the author decided to leave that open. But that need not be the final word.

Another open question, and one that I have been asked frequently, concerns the relationship between Cathy and her love interest in this story, Mallory Carmichael. Is that ship going to sail or not, and how come their relationship never progressed beyond kissing and a bit of making out?

There are at least two reasons why Cathy has been ... let us say, a bit hesitant about investing too much of herself into that relationship so far. I am sure several of my readers guessed one or both of those reasons already. Anyhow, I am not going to present any spoilers at this point.

So, why did I decide to write a sequel, in the end? The answer is, this author has fallen in love with her protagonists and is not ready yet to let them go.

I may as well admit here that at this point I have not written anything other than this Author's Note and the first chapter of Book Five of Temporal Exploring 101, entitled Branch Cut, yet. I shall post that chapter as a teaser for you and as a motivation for myself to keep writing :-)

This means you may have to wait quite some time until the remainder of the book will be posted. Remember, I said I am attempting to write a sequel. Wish me luck!

August 2022

Caitlin Tureaud


It took me almost half a year, but now I have finished writing a first draft of Book Five of TE 101.

I am happy to announce that the adventures of Natty, Cathy, Mallory and their friends will continue.

As always, I am looking forward to read your comments and opinions.

January 2023

Caitlin Tureaud

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