V.5 Criminal Intentions

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"See, you could distract Sandra by asking about something or other while I grab the Teachers and Staff folder, letters A to D and make off with it," Natty proposed.

I did not like that idea at all. During her time as a student at St. Albert's, Natty had made a habit of shoplifting and it had got her in trouble more than once.

"Nah, that's much too risky," I objected. "What's required here is some serious breaking and entering. I can easily pick the lock to the secretary's office. If I wait til office hours are over it will be a piece of cake."

As a bonus, that would afford me the opportunity to apply my lock picking skills. What was that turn of speech again, 'Use it or lose it'?

"Right. Let's do that tonight, then," my roommate agreed.

"Perhaps," I muttered.

Truth be told, I did not wish to get Natty involved in this at all if I could. She had been on the verge of getting expelled from St. Albert's before, when she had been caught stealing records at the Arlesten Music Store.

After lunch the two of us had withdrawn to our dorm room, to chill and to listen to some music. And to discuss strategies aimed at making some progress with our investigation of Ms Delmond.

Regrettably, lunch break would soon be over.

Sure enough, the bell began to ring, signaling the start of sixth period. We had Contemporary Lit with Ms Farrell, followed by a French class with Ms Mallet.

Afterwards, during intermission we were chatting with Nancy, Liz and Erin outside in the park.

"I am going to stay at Granny Morgan's new place during half term," the Welsh girl announced. "She has just moved in, there's unopened packages all around. I will help her get everything in order. Eunice is going to assist us." She turned towards Nancy's sister. "By the way, I have asked Gran and she agreed to take in Sneakers."

"Aw, that's brilliant." Lizzie was beaming. "Thank you so much, Erin."

"You are welcome." Erin smiled. "If you and your sister are planning to spend the week with your parents, you could drop off Sneakers at Granny's new place when you return. I can give you the address and directions how to get there."

"That would be perfect," Nancy's sister agreed.

The Welsh girl focused on Natty and me. "So what are you guys planning to do? Will you stay here at the school, like the Turner twins?"

"We don't know yet," Natty began.

She was interrupted by Nancy. "But I thought you were going visit us, as usual."

Natty and I exchanged a brief look. "Sure, if that is okay with your parents," I agreed.

"I asked Mum and Dad already, they'd happy to have you," Nancy told us. "I guess I never actually asked you though, did I? Silly me."

Natty grinned. "No problem. You did so now."

"Better late than never," I added.

As I randomly cast a look across the school yard, my eyes were drawn to Mallory Carmichael. She was fussing with her hair her and talking to Jess Burns. When she noticed me looking at her, she smiled at me. I returned her smile.

Which reminded me of something.

"Say, Nancy, I was wondering if you could perhaps get Carmichael invited too. I talked to her last night, and she told me she does not want to go home over half term because there is so much stress and tension there. It appears that her parents are in the process of splitting up, her dad has already moved out, so she would just be in the way. I am certain she'd be happy to stay at Kerrington Manor for the week."

Temporal Exploring 101 - Branch CutOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz