Kushi nodded - It's paining, but very lightly.

Arnav helped her sit and carefully made her lean on backrest. He let his palms to caress her tummy so that she would feel a bit relaxed.

Kushi thought that the pain would stop but it didn't.

Kushi - Arnav ji..... Can you give me some warm water ?

She managed to ask inbetween her pain. Arnav nodded and getting up he poured a glass of water from the flask and handed it to her.

She sipped the water slowly but the pain didn't stop.

Kushi - Arnav ji.... I think we need to go Hospital.

She clutched his hands tightly as the pain was hitting her.

Arnav - Come....

He tried to lift her but Kushi stopped him.

Kushi - Let me walk Arnav ji....

Arnav - How could you walk like this Kushi ? Let me carry you....

Kushi - No.... I think it would help. I will walk.

She stood up and Arnav carefully brought her out of the room. Her eyes started pouring tears as slowly the pain started increasing. Arnav shouted for Kaki and the couple came out.

Kaki - Arey.... Bitiya got pain ? Ok Bitwa, you go and sit. I will bring her Bag.

Ordering her husband to go with them, she ran inside the kitchen to bring the hot bag that she is keeping ready now a days. She took the Hospital kit also that had a set of clothes and other necessities of kushi.

Arnav and Kaka sat front while Kushi and Kaki sat back. Kaki kept hot bag on her back and that gave some relief to her.

Soon they reached hospital and Kushi was attended by the duty doctor immediately.

Doctor - Her water will broke any minute. She will deliver soon.

Arnav - Doctor she will be ok right ?

Doctor - She will be ok sir. Just now the pain started, it will take few hours more for water to break and baby to come. Till then be with her. I will get the delivery room ready.

Arnav sat with Kushi who was crying silently due to the pain. She was given injection, she was asked to breath in and out.....

Kushi was breathing in and out clutching her tummy and Arnav too was crying along with her.

Kushi - Arnav ji.... I am good. The pain will go in few minutes. Just think about you holding our Baby in few hours.... Every other thing will fly away.

He hugged her nodding his head - I love you Kushi... I love you for taking all the pain for bringing our Baby into this world. And really Sorry that I couldn't do anything to lessen your pain.

Kushi smiled through tears hearing him. She is not concentrating on the pain all her mind is thinking was, in next few hours she will see her Baby.

Two hours passed and the pain has started increasing multiple folds. She cried out of control and Arnav held her strongly giving her the much needed support.

Doctor - Her water broke..... We will take her to delivery ward.

Kushi - Doctor, please allow my husband to come with me....

She managed to say inbetween her cries. Doctor nodded her head approving her request and asked Arnav to wear Mask and apron to come inside the threater.

Soon she was taken into the theatre and like Arnav said without giving much pain to his mother, Little Aarav came out to face the world out of his Mother's tummy wailing his lungs out.

Doctor - It's a Boy sir.

Arnav saw the scene with so much mixed up emotions.

He was on cloud nine seeing his son but at the same time felt worried seeing his wife after all she has lost so much blood and energy through out the delivery process.

Arnav kissed her forehead and got his son in his hands. His son who was wailing till then slowed down his cries hearing his father's husky voice saying him ' Hi Bacha' . Nurse got him and kept him over Kushi so that the baby would feel the warmth of his mother. And at an instant the little one stopped crying. Kushi couldn't control her emotions and it flew through her eyes as tears and she barely had energy to think of wiping it.

She slowly raised her hands and touched her Baby's soft skin and all her pain vanished in a minute. She now understood the saying ' Sabar ka phal meeta hotha hei' (Waiting gives you a fruit full result)

From the day she got to know her pregnancy this is the moment she wanted to have. And living the moment she dreamt of all these days felt like a blessing to her.....

Nurse took the Baby and started cleaning him while the other one cleaned Kushi. Doctor and Arnav came out. Arnav hugged Kaka and thanked Kaki and told them it's a Boy Baby. They both got so happy for them.....

Arnav immediately called Arjun and conveyed the news to him. Arjun and Arohi jumped up and down in happiness hearing the news and told him that they will come after a kushi get's discharged.

As she had a normal delivery Kushi got discharged in two days. Arjun and Arohi came to Darjeeling after a week and they together held a small naming ceremony and named him as Aarav.

And just like Kushi wished, Aarav has installed all the features of Arnav. Aarav was their center of world and he was very calm and happy kid just like his father. He had his father's eyes and lips. Arnav and Kushi's days started and ended at Aarav. And just like that one and half years passed.......


Kushi finished telling her love story from the start till the end to the youngsters of Raizada family who by then had goose bumps.

Kushi - Arnav ji, is my everything. He has given me the best and now I want to give him something he yearned for all these days.

NK who wiped his tears - Bhabhi.... Our Bhai is so happy with you and that's enough. We are happy.

Kushi - He is happy, and I will make sure of it. But he also need to get back with you all. I will try but the end decision would be of his. I will accept whatever he decides and I expect you people to understand his side.

Aakash - Kushi ji.... We all had seen him after all this years and that itself seems like a big deal for us now. We don't know what his decision would be, but we will cherish all the moments we spent together now.

They all decided and retired to bed calling off the day.

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