99. Yinshan Village

925 28 27

Chapter 340

Mu Sicheng's shaky voice called out in the darkness, " Bai Liu ?"

Then he heard four or five "Bai Liu" voices in different tones answering him.



"What for?"

"I'm here."

Mu Sicheng's sweat rose as he took a step back and raised the camera in front of him, turning on night vision mode.

In the green screen, Mu Sicheng sees a scene that makes his hair stand on end.

In the narrow passage, four or five ghosts of the tomb, twisting and turning, approach Bai Liu in the middle to observe him, their bloodshot eyes staring at him and their gaping noses sniffing at his body.

Their arms and legs and bodies look like white Play-Doh being shaped, their heads sticking out from under their crevices and their feet folding over the back of their heads in various contorted and soft positions, but judging by the bulging skin of the bones, they do have bones.

From the way they pose ...... Mu Sicheng can't imagine what it would take for a creature with bones to pose like that.

Then slowly, slowly, the ghosts became identical to Bai Liu.

They stand in a row on tiptoe with their heads hanging down next to Bai Liu, and if you don't look at them, Mu Sicheng can hardly tell who is the real Bai Liu.

The five ghosts suddenly looked up, staring at him with their heads cocked, a black eyeball slowly falling from the top of their pure white eyes, cracking a smile at Mu Sicheng, who was standing opposite, before turning his head violently and coming closer.

Mu Sicheng was so frightened that his camera almost flew off.

At the moment when the ghosts approached, Mu Sicheng subconsciously turned the camera around, pointing it at his own surroundings, but the next moment when he saw the contents of the camera screen, he was shocked and let out a cry.

Mu Sicheng is also surrounded by several shape-shifting ghosts.

These ghosts seemed to be preparing to take on the form of Mu Sicheng, so now they were wearing a "Mu Sicheng" face with distorted features, grinning at him with their teeth clacking together.

In the midst of the confusion, a long, slender hand reached out from the ghost's miserable, white-wrapped torso, fingers gently holding a match.

A calm voice came from afar: "On the road to the underworld, follow the ghosts, and when you cross the ghost bridge, hold your breath and do not exhale, and wait for me to come to you."

This is the voice of Bai Liu!


The match is polished and the candlestick is lit in front of the shrunken Mu Sicheng's eyes.

The moment the fire lights up, all the demons and ghosts around Mu Sicheng fade away, leaving only Bai Liu, holding a match to light his candlestick, watching him silently.

Mu Sicheng raised the candlestick and was just about to breathe a sigh of relief, but then he suddenly remembered the words he had just heard in the darkness [Wait for me to come to you].

He subconsciously held up the candlestick to shine a light on the Bai Liu in front of him.

Bai Liu's bemused face reflects the greenish firelight, and nothing shadows the floor or walls.

Mu Sicheng's back slowly tightened as he held the candlestick flat in front of himself and tried his best to keep his voice steady, "Where are we going now?"

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