63. Rose Factory

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Chapter 194

After seeing the reaction of the Kings Guild member, Liu Jiayi didn't hesitate to remove the vision item on her right eye. She made it so that only her left eye could see and looked around.

In the four corners of the large dormitory, there was a huge spider-like thing, or a human being.

The skin of this thing was split from the top of the head to the upper body, petal by petal. The split skin didn't peel off from the body but was bent at the end like a blooming rose, becoming a hard, arthropod-like attachment that was embedded in the wall, making it easier for it to move.

The peeling paint and empty spots on the wall were cracks caused by them as they moved.

In the middle of the 'rose,' the human pillar with its skin peeled off had become the stamen of this 'blooming rose.'

The upper body of the 'flower stamen' was covered with skin tissue dripping blood. It felt fresh like it hadn't been 'blooming' for a long time. It would drop a mixture of flesh and blood when it moved. The face was even more unrecognizable. She could only see bare gums and a pair of eyes that were mostly exposed and extremely white, staring at her in a motionless manner.

Liu Jiayi's expression darkened as she turned her head and looked around.

In addition to these eight relatively large monsters, there were many monsters that weren't 'fully bloomed'. The stamens still showed half their faces, or less than half the face of the monster. These monsters were smaller in size and seemed unable to move on the walls.

Most of these little monsters slept under Liu Jiayi's bed and stared at her through the bed. This was why the Kings Guild member had turned pale with fright just now.

The monster under his bed bloomed a 'petal' that passed through the bed board and stuck to his hand. The textured edge of the skin was wriggling and bleeding but this member could only let it touch.

Last night, they had slept all night under the watchful eyes of these invisible monsters.

This type of fear was linked to the current scene. Even if this Kings Guild member had experienced many storms in the game, at this moment,his heart was trembling with fear.

He had never seen such a strange monster before and he could only see it with this one eye. However, he actually stayed with them all night without them attacking him!

Now this strange, night-lone serenity was about to be broken.

These monsters seemed to sense that these two people could see them. All the monsters in the dormitory, large and small, twisted their heads in various ways. Their eyes turned to stare at the two people, the red 'petals' moving as they slowly formed a circle close to Liu Jiayi.

The member trembled and turned to look at Liu Jiayi. He was so frightened that he was about to cry. "...What do we do?"

"I wish I could pretend that I haven't seen these monsters." Liu Jiayi stood up from the bed, her face dark. "Now it seems that is impossible. Trigger it first and see if you can kill one. If you can't kill it then run!"

The moment she finished speaking, the big monsters in the corners of this room cried out sharply. All the monsters in the dormitory started to rush toward Liu Jiayi.

The weird thing was that these monsters made such a big move but people were still sleeping on the bunks like corpses. They lay in place without moving and weren't awakened at all. These things ran over the processing workers but didn't cause any shock. It was as if they only existed in the world seen by the players.

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