~you drew stars around my scars and now I'm bleeding~

371 18 20

Now playing: cardigan by Taylor Swift


A/N: I just ordered a TS cardigan shilfdsucbkj


Ophelia stayed home from school to spend the day with you. You cried twice over losing in Uno and ranted about the last two weeks. Despite the conversation topic, everything was so normal

"So, are you gonna go see him?" She interrupts you complaining about how you haven't gotten a chance to read the book you'd been reading before it all.

"What?" You respond, caught off guard.

"Hunter." Your face heats up. "Are you gonna go see him?"

"I don't think that's a good idea." You shake your head. "He was so excited to get away from you."

"I dunno, you didn't see the way he looked at you when you came to see me."

"I-" You pause, considering her words for a moment. "He was just happy to be back in Bonesburough." You come up with any excuse so you don't get your hopes up. Ophelia just shrugs.

"You could always go tonight."


You certainly could've gone tonight, but your bed looked so comfortable. 

It is comfortable, you were right. 

You're scrolling through penstagram, slightly regretting not being at the emperor's castle right now.

Maybe it was better this way. The longer you procrastinated, the more likely it was to never get done. If school taught you anything, it was that. Maybe eventually you'd forget, and it'd be better.


A month and a half. That was your record for procrastinating and then actually getting something done. 

It had been a week. 

"Heey, uh-" You hang upside down from the top bunk, unable to sleep. Ophelia's on penstagram, liking someone's post. "I'm going."

"Wait-" Her scroll rolls up and goes away. "Like- going?

"Mhm." You get back up and climb out of bed. "C'mon, P/N."

"Tell me how it goeees~" She winks and you smile, standing on your staff to lift yourself out the sunroof. This time, you take your staff with you, flying out over the city. Apart of you knew you shouldn't be doing this, but why would you listen? It wasn't until you got to the castle that you realized you had no idea where to go.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" 


"Hunter?" You quickly descend back to the ground and fight the urge to rush toward him and wrap your arms around him like humans in movies do.

"Y/N, what the hell?" He asks, and suddenly you're confused about why he's outside.


"I just got back from my fourth search for you, Emperor's orders." He sighs, like thats your fault. "Guess who won't become the Golden Guard for another year?"

"Hunter, I'm so sorry-" You start.

"I- just explain what the hell you're doing here." His voice was soft, but upset. Like he could be gentle with you even when he's mad.

"I wanted to um.. tell you something." You mutter.


"I like you, Hunter." You sigh. "A whole lot. And I don't want to go back to normal? Shit, I kind of wish we could go back on that adventure a million times. And, you know, I'd be in the same outfit every day which is a fashion crime but I'd be with you." You stare down at the grass, unable to meet his gaze. 


"And I also think you like me too." You cut him off. "Even if you won't admit it, I've seen the way you are when you're genuinely happy and I wish you could be like that all the time. With me."  You close your eyes, still not daring to look at him, when you hear him laughing.

"Oh my Titan, L/N." He laughs. "There's no way."

"What?" Your eyes widen, and you feel tears stinging at your eyes, taunting you.

"You actually thought I liked you?" He wipes tears from his eyes. Not the kind of tears you were fighting back, but tears of laughter. He thought this was funny. 


"You're a wild witch, Y/N. I don't want to be around you."


"You're fucking pathetic, you know that?" 


"I hope you come to your senses, sweetheart."

"Fuck you too, Hunter."

Cupid's Chokehold (Golden Guard/Hunter x GN reader) BOOK ONE | RE-EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now