~I'd rather die than have to cry in front of you~

411 12 23

Now playing: Fight or Flight by Conan Gray

"Ready?" Hunter was holding your hand.

Well, both hands were together, but he was holding one.

You were about to spend the night in a jail cell, but Hunter was holding your hand. 


"Always." You nod, smiling at him as he drops your hand and starts pretending to shove you through toward the castle entrance.

"Guards, it's me." He nods to one of the castle guards who- through the mask- seems surprised.

"It's the kid, with Y/N L/N." They yell to someone farther back on the bridge, and the castle doors are opened.

"You're not getting away with this." You stick your tongue out at a guard while you two walk through the doors and into the castle. You get distracted from your act for a moment as you look around. You've never been here before.

"Shut it, criminal." Hunter pokes you in the back, and you almost laugh.

You walk through some halls for a bit, until someone you recognize comes forward.

Of course, Lilith Clawthorne. She's glaring at Hunter.

"Dare I say, this is impressive." She crosses her arms, looking you up and down. "I remember you, L/N. It is sad what you've become. You just blow a raspberry at her.

"Alright, I'll take them from here. The emperor wants you." She says to Hunter, and then grabs you by the arm. 

"This stinks." You mutter.

"Well, you should've considered it before becoming a wild witch." She says, dragging you to some kind of dungeon. You never realized there were cells in the castle as well as the conformatorium. Maybe you're just that special. 

"You'll be moved to the conformatorium tomorrow." Lilith adds, shoving you into a cell and locking it, not bothering to undo your ropes.

"I'm a child." You complain. "This shouldn't be allowed."

"Wild magic isn't allowed." She walks away after that, and now you're left in the cell. Waiting. 

"Titan, this is boring." You mutter.


"Y/N." You turn toward the front to see Hunter. There's a blood soaked bandage on his arm.

"Are you okay?" You whisper, standing up and reaching toward the cars with your bound hands.

"It's just a scratch." He responds.

"Doesn't look like it."

"Not the point. I uh- I'm becoming the Golden Guard soon. Officially." He whisper-exclaims.

"Seriously? That- that's awesome."

"Gotta go, see ya." And he rushes off without another word.



You don't know how long you've been in here. 

It feels like it's been weeks.

Hours pass by, and you're tired, really tired.

You need water.

(You've probably been locked up for about half an hour).


It must've been days by now.

Actually, it's been about two hours.

Same thing.


You're not sure when it was that you finally fell asleep. 

You've woken up about twenty times.

It's really cold in here. 

And boring.


You wake up again, but this time it's because your door is open.


It's open. 

You stand up slowly and walk toward it, and suddenly a coven guard runs up to you.

"Forgot your ropes." He says. 


It's Hunter.

"Hunter, I-" He cuts you off by putting a finger up. "Oh." He unties the ropes and then leaves.

That's it.

You're free.

He's gone.

It's over. 

The everlasting oath was fulfilled, and now it's all gonna be in the past.

You draw a spell circle, removing some bricks from the walls so you can slip through to outside. Cautiously, you climb through, and then put the bricks back. Now you're a lot of feet in the air, staring down at the reflection of the night sky on the moat. You draw another spell circle, summoning vines to take you across and back to the ground.

You take slow steps, praying to the Titan that this will all work out for you.

And it did.

It was easy.

Too easy.


"Y/N, you're okay." Ophelia falls into your arms when you walk in the front door. 

"Yeah, I-" You're cut off at the sight of your palisman. You pull away from Ophelia and pick them up, hugging them to your chest. "I missed you so much."

Ophelia's dads both greet you, and you sort of explain everything, sparing some details for only Ophelia to learn later.

"You look like you need some sleep, it's 2:30." One of her dads says when you finish. "We can talk to you more once you've gotten rest." You nod, following Ophelia to her room.

"I can't believe you helped the Golden Guard." She mutters as you sit next to her on the bottom bunk, not quite ready to be away from her again.

"Yeah, um.."


"He- I-" You stutter, feeling heat rise to your cheeks.

"Oh my Titan. You're blushing so much right now." She giggles, leaning on your shoulder. "Do you have a crush on the Golden Guard."

"No!" You answer. "He's not the Golden Guard yet..."

"What was his name again?"

"..Hunter." A smile immediately spreads across your face and you look away from Ophelia.

"Huuunntteerrrrr~" She cooes, watching your face go red.

"Shut up." You cough awkwardly. "I'm going to sleep." You pause, staring at her. You hug her instinctively. "Goodnight, Lia."

"Night, loverboy."


A/N: Idc if ur not a guy (technically I'm not), loverboy is my favorite nickname ever

Cupid's Chokehold (Golden Guard/Hunter x GN reader) BOOK ONE | RE-EDITEDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang