~I hear trouble coming over and over again~

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Now playing: Trouble's Coming by Royal Blood

"I don't care what you think of me. We're just gonna die in a couple hours anyways." Blondie mutters angrily, and you tilt your head at him.

"Where is this dying business coming from? Whatever- You're not even gonna try and escape?" You ask. "Because if you'd like to stay and continue being kidnapped, be my guest. But I'm gonna need you to open this for me."

"Why don't you? You're the witch with the magic." 

"You, don't have..?" You pause, shaking your head. "Doesn't matter. My wrists are tied, so you just have to like.. I don't know, get the door opened!" You exclaim in the quietest tone you can. 

"What's the point?" 

"Well, unlike you coven witches, we don't give up." You roll your eyes as the blonde witch sighs, crawling through the dark to the door. You can hear him rustling around with the wood for a moment, before he backs up. 

"Useless." He mutters. "Told you."

"Maybe if you can untie these ropes, I can just use magic to get us out?" You suggest, holding your wrists out.

"I can hardly see." Blondie whispers, his skin brushes against yours as he starts messing around with the ropes.

"it's worth trying, right?" 

"What does it look like I'm doing?" 

"Fair enough." You laugh quietly. 

"Getting the ropes undone is no use." You hear a voice from outside, and you sigh. You thought you'd been quiet enough.

"I really hope this works so I can get away from you." You hear blondie mutter under his breath as he continues fiddling with the rope and testing different ways to get it undone. In a flash of relief, you feel them come loose. In reaction, you wiggle your wrists free from the loosened rope and sigh.

"Thanks Blondie! Glad we'll never see each other again, huh?" You giggle, whistling a few notes so that the carriage practically falls apart, and you fall to your feet. Blondie is sitting on the ground, so you hold out a hand. 

"Hey!" The man begins drawing a spell circle as Blondie takes your hand and you stick your tongue out at him, running off. 

After you feel like you've ran far enough, you slow down and start laughing.

"Heck yeah! Nobody can kidnap Y/N L/N!" You exclaim, looking at blondie before realizing his hand is still in yours. Embarrassed, you let go. "Including you-" You start so he doesn't get any ideas.

"Either I take you to the castle, or you leave me alone forever." He mutters. "And I'd prefer to arrest you."

"Just can't get enough of me, sweetheart?"

"Don't call me sweetheart."

"Sorry, Blondie." You hold your hands in the air, backing up a step and shrugging.

"Hunter." He whispers. You try holding in a laugh.

"Hunter?" You laugh. "Alrighty then. Do you have like, a picture of you holding a fish as your penstagram profile picture?" You mutter, but he's expressionless.  

"You gonna let me arrest youu.. orrr-" 

"Do you even know how to get back from here?" You interrupt him, having no idea how far you've traveled from Bonesburough.

"Pfft- yeah! Obviously I.. might not." He looks away, and you tilt your head slightly.

"How about this. I help you get to the castle, but when we get there, you help me escape. Can't be your fault if I'm under watch of the coven. And the emperor will be too proud of you for capturing the hottest- and strongest criminal." You didn't just offer that. "Of your age group, have you seen the owl lady?"

"I guess that.. could work. But how do I know you won't just run off in the night and leave me to die or something?"

"Why would I?" You do the gay hand thing. "You're my ticket into the castle."

"And why do you want to get into the castle?" Hunter looks you up and down, suddenly more on guard.

"That's for me to know, and you to wonder, pretty boy." You smile and his eyes have the most annoyed look you've ever seen.

"Why are you like this?" He pinches the bridge of his nose, pacing back and forth.

"I just love the idea of you not being able to take your mind off me~" You respond, putting your elbow on his shoulder and giving him the stupidest smile you can muster up. You can swear you could see his face go red, but you choose to ignore it.

"We should probably try and find civilization, it's our best bet at finding out where we are." He changes the subject, leaving you wondering if he liked your flirtatiousness. "Plus, good cover from the guy trying to sell us."

"Good point." 

"You're lucky to have me. You'd probably be dead by now without my smarts."

"It's been five minutes!" You sigh as he starts walking away. Following after him, you add "Look, if we're gonna be stuck together. We may as well try to get along. Maybe it'll be less unbearable for the both of us?" Hunter stops, looking at you for a second.

"You're a wild witch. We aren't gonna be friends."

Maybe we could be more tha-

Stop it Y/N. You're not saying that out loud.

"Fine, you'll just listen to whatever I say until we get to Bonesburough, then." You shrug.

"Um- I'm the one who has you under arrest." He protests instantly.

"Um-" You mock him. "Guess I'll just leave you here, then." 

"Fine, whatever." He rolls his eyes, and you raise your eyebrows at him. "Let's just get this over with.

"Soooo, we can be friends?" You smile.

"That's not at all what I just said." 

Cupid's Chokehold (Golden Guard/Hunter x GN reader) BOOK ONE | RE-EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now