~you'd see it all at once if only you would look~

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Now playing: If Only (quartet) from the Little Mermaid 


A/N: im playing Ariel in a production of the little mermaid rn and this song will not leave my mind (I also sounded so funky during act two during rehearsals I was so flat on beyond my wildest dreams) but I'll stop ranting abt my theatre kid problems and write some cringy fanfic for you all


It's not out of the ordinary for you to get a crush on somebody and then a month or so later you have no idea how you ever thought of them like that.

That's why you know you're just being a dumb teenager again, it's not like you're in love with the boy you've known for two weeks. You can accept having the tiniest little crush on him, but you know it'll pass. It always does. 

"Hey, Y/N?" He taps you on the shoulder, and you almost jump out of your skin.

"What?" You try not to sound mad while your pulse tries to return to normal.

"Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine." You said it more confidently than it felt. 

"Alright then.." He hesitated. "I was gonna ask where we are."

"Oh, uhhh.." You drew a spell circle, pulling the map Hunter had marked two weeks ago. You read the 'you're here' down by the ankle that had been scribbled out. You smiled at it, but immediately wiped the expression away as you looked up where you were now. Almost to the skull.

"We're um.." You paused. "Really close, actually." 

"Really?" You couldn't tell what he was feeling.

"Yeah." You nodded. "Like.. two days." Your heart sunk at the idea of it, but your mind knew it would be good for you to get back to normal.

"That's great!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah, it is." You smiled at his excitement, ignoring the fact that he was excited to get away from you. 

"Not much longer then." He smiled at you, and your stomach flipped.

"Uh huh."

Maybe you should just tell him.

Before it's too late. 

Yeah, just come right out and say it.

Right now.

"Hunter, I-" 

Maybe later.


"Nothing." You shake your head. "It's nothing." 

Would you regret it more to tell him now or to never tell him? 

You'd never know, at this rate. 

Maybe if you told him he wouldn't go back to the coven.


But you'd never know. 

"Oh.. okay." 

Cupid's Chokehold (Golden Guard/Hunter x GN reader) BOOK ONE | RE-EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now