Thunder takes control

Mulai dari awal

I ran into my hotel room, I wanted to throw up or just get into a ball and sob, sob my eyes out but I didn't i held it all in. I felt my emotions build up and i wanted desperately to let them out but I didn't i kept them in. I walked over to the bin that i had chucked the note my mother had left and i grabbed the note and put it into my bag. I decided its best to keep the note just in case. I then sat down and put the small tv on and watched something, waiting until David came back, I'm not sure why i was waiting for him maybe to seek comfort in him or to tell him all about what happened. Or maybe i just needed a friend..


David's POV

a few hours earlier

Y/N had just left to go for a walk and explore the town. I then left for my meeting which i wasn't excited for it but it had to be done since it was a meeting for live aid which was like a week away now. I drove over to the meeting and walked towards where my band should be. The whole band was there except for backing vocals since we weren't even sure on what songs we were singing yet. We all started talking about costumes and music pretty much as soon as i arrived, which i was sort of glad for since it meant they were enthusiastic which could make this process a whole lot easier.


A bit of time had passed and we had finally figured out the costume and we were onto picking our songs, i took a glance outside only to see a strike of lightning go down, everyone's heads turned to look at it. I turned back at everyone to see their confused faces.

"Its not forecasted rain, or lightning for that matter." Armstrong said.

"Ye.. Hm maybe they predicted wrong. I mean they do that an awful lot." Claire replied

" Ye they aren't good at predicting storms." Armstrong agreed.

They all turned back to each other and started talking amongst themselves about song ideas but my head faced the window part of me feeling unsettled and the other half worrying if Y/N was still out in that storm. I hoped she went back to the hotel after the first drop of rain as i don't want her getting hurt.

I must of been so lost in my worrying thought that i didn't notice the rest of the band calling my name over and over again.

"David? Bowie? Hello, Earth to Bowie"

"Oh yes sorry."

"Are you okay? If your worried about the rain I'm sure it will die out soon."

"Oh no just..." I paused. " I haven't seen thunder in England for awhile." I lied, trying to make it seem as if i was interested in the thunder even though in my mind part of me was worrying a lot.

"Right... well we should really choose the songs quickly we have a week until live aid and are yet to practice at all."

"Ah yes."


Some time had passed and we all eventually agreed on the songs Heroes, Modern Love, Rebel Rebel and TVC 15. Which we a lot of peoples favourites, once we had decided I told everyone to start practicing their instrument and how rehearsals started tomorrow. I then said goodbye to them all and rushed to my car in the pouring rain. I drove back to the hotel and made my way towards Y/N rooom, i gently knocked on the door and a few seconds later she answered, relief settled over my body and she allowed me in by shuffling to the side. She then closed the door caustiously after i entered.

"Are you okay?" I asked as her face seemed worried but almost immediately after i said that she turned around with a smile.

" Yes why wouldn't i be? just a bit frustrated my walk was cut short is all."

"Ah yes, anyways we have a week booked off of filming to prepare and perform at live aid."

"Oh Great! Have you decided what songs your doing?" She looked at me questioning.

"Yes well the songs we will perform are heroes, Modern Love, Rebel Rebel and TVC 15." I looked at her trying to read her reaction.

"Oh i love them songs!" She said giving me a smile that reassured me that i made a good choice with the songs.

After awhile of talking we decided to sit down and watching a movie in her room tonight. After the movie had finished i said goodnight to her and made my way to my room, satisfied with the day.

Normal POV

I cant believe i just lied to David, I mean i couldn't tell him the truth could i, i wouldn't want to worry him would i? I began pacing my room just like i was before he came and changed my mood completely but now he was gone again and i was left with my thought, alone. I was worried and felt sick to my stomach. I decided to get ready for bed and i got under the cover and tried to go to sleep but i couldn't take my mind off of... her. I eventually, somehow, managed to drift off into the night.


So sorry for not many updates I've been rather busy! But I've got a lot planned for this story and a few more that i am working on ;) But i hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm sure my English teacher would be very proud i am practicing my creative writing, so technically by writing this story I'm revising for my creative writing mock. woah I'm so smart lol.

Anyways i hope to update more soon, thank you for all the support it means a lot and if anyone is wondering i had a fab birthday!

Also Ricochet by David is fab, i love you all have a good day/night! Byeeee.

Also 1818 words :0.

I also forgot to say I have an edit account on tiktok called editsbys0phli if you want to go follow it!

"Modern love" to last a lifetimeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang