Chapter 22 - My Son

Start from the beginning

She chuckled loudly and reminded him that Natalie was still present in case of anything. It was only then that they looked over at Natalie who had just been standing by and observing the two of them.

"Watching the two of you just now, I felt invisible," said Natalie.

"Should I get you something as well?" asked Ethan.

"Oh....uh... well." Natalie struggled to find her words because of how unexpected it was of Ethan to do something nice for her. She saw it as a new beginning. "I'd like something as well. Actually, I'll come with you."

"And leave my mother all alone? No."

"My father can stay with her," said Natalie.

"Speaking of your father, where is he?" asked Ms Hudson.

"The last time I saw him, he left this room with Ethan. What did you two even talk about?" Natalie tilted her head with curiosity.

"We talked about the wedding," he said with a poker face and when she gasped, ready to ask more questions about the wedding discussion, he approached the door as he told them he was leaving.

Ms Hudson saw how Natalie desperately wished to follow him and she chuckled. "He'll be back soon."

"I know. I just want to be with him."

"He'll soon be all yours."

"Oh he definitely will be!" she giggled, then furrowed her eyebrows as she sighed. "Please don't be mad at me. It's still strange to me that you wanted him far away until I spoke about that blind Martha. Does it have something to do with that?"

Ms Hudson burst into laughter and placed her hand on her chest as she shut her eyes, that being enough for Natalie to feel stupid for asking such a question. Her laughter lasted a while and once she stopped, she asked about the wedding dress instead and it instantly had all of Natalie's focus as she spoke about her big day.


Olivia paced back and forth as she struggled to decide on whether or not to call Ethan and find out if she had spoken to Pete. She was still unaware just how awful of a night it was for Ethan.

She finally decided not to call him and decided to wait until he would call first, just like she always did.

She sat back down in the living room with her laptop on the table and missed her father so much that she scrolled through some pictures she took with him.

Seeing his bright smile in the pictures reminded her of a time he was there for her but it faded when she remembered how her life turned upside down when he died of a heart attack from all the stress.

To not break down from that dark memory, she looked up at the ceiling to hold back her tears then looked back at the screen and continued to scroll as she reminded herself to only think of positive memories.

When she got to a picture of her in a wedding dress with her father next to her and Ethan on the other side, she smiled brightly with her gaze fixed on Ethan, as handsome as ever. As soon as she remembered they were no longer married, her smile faded but she reminded herself that she also wanted the divorce.

As she fought hard to believe her own words, Angela walked in with her hands together but seemed uneasy.

"What's the matter?" asked Olivia.

"Please don't be mad at me."

"What did you do?"

"Helena wants to move in as soon as possible and she called me a while ago so I told her she could speak to you in person and you were available at all times."

"So what's the p-"

"I told her she could come to this apartment! Please don't be mad at me. I know I wasn't thinking straight. This is your private residence, not some meeting p-"

"Angela, it's alright. I don't have a problem with that."

Angela cleared her throat and stood firm with raised shoulders. "In that case, I'll bring her in. She's outside."

"Wow, I guess she really wants the house."

"Exactly!" Angela nodded several times. "Those were also my thoughts and I'm starting think that Helena m-"



"Shouldn't you be somewhere else?"


As Angela rushed out to get Helena, Olivia chuckled and was grateful to have Angela with her, someone to cheer her up whenever she was overwhelmed with sadness.

A few minutes later, Angela walked in with Helena and she couldn't stop looking around in amazement. It took so long that Angela had to nudge her on the shoulder, then introduced her to Olivia.

As Helena apologized for constantly staring at everything , she approached Olivia, who smiled at her and told her to have a seat right beside her.

Helena sat down but still couldn't help but look around and when her eyes landed on the laptop screen, she smiled brightly as she complimented Olivia on her beautiful wedding dress since it stood out the most.

Suddenly, her smile faded when she noticed Ethan and panic set in. She pulled on her skirt with long strokes to keep her composure.

"This handsome young man..." Helena trailed off.

"That's my boss!" said Angela when she looked at who Helena had pointed at.

"He's my ex-husband," said Olivia, her own words hurting her.

"This is really fate." Helena chuckled as she placed her hands together.

"I don't understand." Olivia's forehead creased.

"May I please use the bathroom?" Helena's lip quivered as she heard her heart pounding in her ears.

Once Olivia instructed Angela to show Helena the bathroom, she shut the door when she was inside and slid down the wall as she covered her mouth to muffle her cries.

It took her a while to compose herself and when she did, she washed her face and returned to the living room.

Angela instantly noticed the difference and asked Helena what happened to her face, to which Helena replied that she just washed it.

Even Olivia had noticed the difference but didn't pay much attention to it, especially when Helena soon mentioned that she wanted to see the house as soon as possible. 

Throughout the conversation, Helena glanced at Ethan and clenched her fist each time to not break down.


Martha had sat by the road and was in tears since the previous night when Ethan dragged her away from his home.

With her hands wrapped around herself from the cold which made her shiver, she mumbled to herself about her son all night and couldn't stop.

When she heard footsteps approaching, she looked around and grinned, her yellow stained teeth fully on display with her cracked lips. "Who's there?" She held out her hand which shivered terribly as she giggled. "I'm st-arving."

"This haunts me everyday. How did I ever let it come to this?"

"It's you!" said Martha, then frowned as she burst into tears again. "You lied to me again. My son wasn't there!"

"I should've done things differently from the start. I promise I'll get your son back. Do you even know who I am?"


"Helena, your childhood best friend."

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