harry potter oc 2

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name: leon styx

species: ghost

nicknames: leo, styx, ghost boy, kid, young one, evil spirit, little trickster.

age: looks 13, is at least 120 in the first movie

gender: male

personality: kind, smart, helpful, can be childish at times, mature(in serious situations), humors, honest, protective.

likes: hanging out with people, exploring, learning, protecting his friends, animals, music, quidditch, potions, magic, sweets, pranks.

dislikes: bullies, homophobes, dark magic, rude people, Karen's, stuck up people, mistreatment to animals, making people upset, his friends getting hurt.


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(just with translucent skin)

friends: golden trio, Dumbledore, Hagrid, McGonagall, Neville, Fred, George, lupin, Sirius, Tonks, moody, molly, Arthur,  ginny, Trelawney, snape, Luna, dobby, Cedric, Flitwick, Oliver, lee Jordan, most of the Hogwarts ghosts, sprout, Kingsley.

enemies: the Malfoys, the Dursleys, Voldemort, death eaters, Percy, Marcus flint, victor krumb(just doesnt like him), dementors, umbrige.

other: leon met harry when he went to muggle school, so they're childhood friends, leon was a muggle and had no idea of the wizarding world. a few years before harry went to Hogwarts leon died in the hospital from a disease. his soul went to harry and created an attachment, harry was shocked at first but was happy to have his best friend back with him. leon grew mentaly but was stuck in his 13 year old body, but he tends to act like a small child sometimes. when leon learned how the Dursleys treated harry he started causing things to happen around the house to scare them as pay back, only for it to back fire and have them blame harry. when Hagrid came to get harry he realized leon was there and decided to take him as well. the staff talked and decided that since he protected harry and did not seem like a threat, he could stay with the boy and attend lessons.

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