vigilante ocs 1,2, and 3

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name: William ledger

vigilante name: metamorph

nicknames: will, villain, hero wanna be, boss man, meta, morphman.

age: 43

gender: male

personality: serious, kind, smart, strict, responsible, caring, cold(to enemies), father figure of the group.

likes: helping people, taking care of his kids, fighting crime, teaching his kids, taking down villains, reading, real heroes.

dislikes: villains, fake heroes, criminals, bullies, homophobes, karen's.

friends: Jacob, Liam, depends on rp

enemies: villains, depends on rp

power: Animal mimicry

power description: he can gain abilities from any known animal species, depending on the feature he chooses he can grow an animal feature(ex. eagle speed= eagle wings).

drawbacks: he has to be able to clearly think of the ability he wants and depending on the ability he has the drawback of it(ex. wolf hearing= sensitive hearing)


vigilante suit:

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vigilante suit:

other: adopted both Jacob, liams birthfather, does have an office job, spends most of his vigilante time out in the field using gadgets created by jacob

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other: adopted both Jacob, liams birthfather, does have an office job, spends most of his vigilante time out in the field using gadgets created by jacob.

oc 2

name: Jacob vixen ledger

vigilante name: 404

nicknames: kid, vix, vixen, brat, tech guy, joker, smart ass, lil bro.

age: 14

gender: male

personality: smart, kind, humors, chaotic, serious(if needed), helpful, curious, adventurous, rebellious, trickster.

likes: learning, exploring, tech, helping people, his family, his friends, some heros, pulling pranks, music, editing, video games.

dislikes: bullies, homophobes, school, being grounded, karens, being overly social(introvert), homophobes, rude people, criminals, fake heros.

friends: depends on rp

enemies: depends on rp

power: technopath

power description: he has the ability to control technology with his mind, can use technology better naturally, tech smart.

power drawback:  he has a limit to how long he can control it directly before gaining a headache or passing out, his control and strength grows as he grows older.



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Vigilante outfit:

other: spends most of his vigilante time in the house looking on cameras and building gear for his brother and father, does go to public school

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other: spends most of his vigilante time in the house looking on cameras and building gear for his brother and father, does go to public school.

oc 3

name: Liam ledger

nicknames: li-li, pest, escape plan a, big bro, kid, punk, mini-will

vigilante name: void

age: 18

gender: male

personality: caring, tough, smart, strategic, helpful, kind, stubborn, compassionate, protective, impatient.

likes: hanging out with his brother, going on patrol, helping people, school, exploring.

dislikes: bullies, villains, homophobes, Karen's, being stuck in one place, rude people.

friends: depend on rp

enemies: depends on rp.

power: teleportation

power description: he can teleport himself as well as anything he touches.

drawback: he must hold onto the person or object he teleports, can only teleport to places he knows of or has been to, can only teleport so far and for o long before getting a hedache or passing out


vigilante outfit:

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vigilante outfit:

 other: finished school, spends time on the field, get away man

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 other: finished school, spends time on the field, get away man.

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