Chapter 3: The Law Student from Hamburg

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"Yes. You're Johan - am I right?"

"That's right." He smiled slightly. "So you remember."

He pointed at the bench I was sitting on. "May I?" "O-Of course!", I replied and moved towards the right edge, so that he could sit down. After he sat down, he looked at me again.

"And you are?"
"Oh, I'm sorry." I totally forgot about that. "I'm Klara. Nice to meet you."
"Klara? What a pretty name." His smile was charming, truly, just like his whole appearance and his soothing voice.

"So, Klara, I assume you're an elementary school teacher?"
"Not yet", I answered. "I'm still on my way."
"Referendariat*?", he asked. I nodded. "Yes. I'll be through by next Christmas. Hopefully."

(*Note: "Referendariat" is the German term for teacher training. Depending on the federal state, it can take 12 months or almost two years to get through it.)

I glanced at him. "What about you?"
"I'm a law student from Hamburg", Johan replied. "I took a break from studying, so I need to get back on track with all the knowledge and information I need. In my free time, I'm coming over here to help out in the orphanage." He made a gesture, pointing towards the little children playing. I smiled.

"They seem to like you a lot. Even Tom listened to you yesterday. Thank you for that, by the way."

Johan chuckled. "It's fine. I hope you didn't get in trouble because of his escape."

I sighed. "Well, actually, that incident is the reason why I'm here today. My boss basically forced me to work overtime for this term."

"Oh, that's awful." Johan frowned in compassion. "This must be exhausting for you. You probably have enough to bear already." I shrugged. "That's true, but at least I'm enjoying working as a teacher."

We watched the children running over the playground. Some of them were laughing, another one blew its nose, and another one fell off the swing - luckily, nothing happened.

"How did you realise you wanted to become a teacher?", Johan asked.
"I adore children." I couldn't help but smile when I said that. "They are our future. And I enjoy spending time with them. But I'm better at teaching than educating, so I knew I wanted to work at school, not at kindergarten." I made a short pause. Johan was looking at me, seemingly interested. I continued. "I used to give my little brother extra lessons for school, so I had some experience already. And I've never regretted my decision." I looked at him again. "What about you?"

He thought about it for a short time, watching the children as he spoke. "I assume I like this job because I'm good with children, I guess. And I can do something good by helping out at the orphanage." He slightly lowered his head, looking towards the grass. "Besides, I'm quite familiar with orphanages, so..."

I frowned at his last words. "Oh... I'm sorry." He raised his head again. "Don't be." When our eyes met again, I couldn't help but think how beautiful his eyes were. "I shouldn't have mentioned this. I'm sorry for ruining the mood. It's just..." A smile crossed his face. "I think we might have a deep understanding for each other."

For a moment, his voice sounded so hypnotic, and I felt drawn towards him. His soothing voice, his flawless appearance, the things he was saying... I was mesmerised.

Suddenly, I saw Mr. Janczyk from the corner of my eye, waving in our direction. Oh no... apparently, one of our kids hurt itself, and they needed help. "Excuse me, I'll have to go there..." I stood up from the bench. "Of course." Johan smiled. "See you, Klara."

"WHAT? I'm telling you, Klara, this is your chance! Get him before anyone else does! Or does he have a girlfriend?"

"No idea", I answered. "If he has the time to study law and work at the orphanage so often, I doubt it."

I was talking to my best friend, Gabi, in the evening - in one hand, I held my telephone, while I was trying to cook with the other one.

"Well, then I'd say your boss actually gave you a great opportunity to meet this handsome guy, didn't she? And you'll see each other more often now?"

"I guess."

I heard her squeal. "I'm so happy for you, Klara! He sounds like a fitting person for you!"

"I barely even know him", I replied, laughing. "Also, his behaviour reminded me of Erik's."

Gabi was silent. "You know", I said after a while, "when I first met him, Erik did the same. He told me flattering things that made my heart jump and smiled at me so brightly that I would never have thought it was a facade."

"... Do you think Johan is like him?", Gabi asked carefully.

I took some time to think about it. "... I don't know. His flawless-ness makes him suspicious, but he seemed... honest. However, I can't figure out if Johan is actually a kind man or emotionally numb."

My stove started beeping. "Gabi, I'll call you back right away, okay? My noodles are finished." "Alright!" I hung up and grabbed the pot.

Johan... just who are you?

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