Chapter 7 | Stars in the water

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The week went by faster then he wished it would, he was extremely nervous about the.. date. And spent the whole weekend being nervous instead of actually thinking of what to wear.

something casual, it's only Diary queen. Ayden stood in front of his closet thinking

"I have been saving this shirt for a special occasion, I guess this is the one." Ayden mumbled to himself

The shirt was simple but it was one of Ayden's favorite shirts that he only wore to more formal events. It was a dark maroon t-shirt with cuffed sleeves and a sewn in white collar. Simple but it was the most "casual formal" thing he owned. He decided to pair it with a black sweater and dark brown ripped jeans.

He also wore the only shoes he had (besides crocks) which were black sneakers. They were obviously dirty but he didn't care as much as he thought he would.

He didn't exactly know when Andrew would show up so he sat on the porch swing playing around with his phone and trying his best to ignore any people driving past in cars

(Time skip to about 10-15 minutes later)

Ayden stood up as he saw Andrew walk onto his yard, he wore a white t-shirt with some fancy logo, blue jeans and sneakers, he also carried a stylish backpack on his shoulders. "Hey, you look nice!" Andrew smiled at the compliment "not to bad yourself, Ayden" Ayden tried his best not to look nervous as they started walking towards their destination

Andrew and Ayden sat down at the table they always did and thought about what too order even though they new they'd order the same thing as last time. "So.." Andrew started look to the side "what do you wanna order?" Ayden paused for a bit before answering "probably the same thing as last time, you?" "Yeah same." They both made some confirming grunts and continued on pretending to look at the menu and ignoring the awkward tension that passed over

"So.. um.." Andrew mumbled Ayden looked up giving Andrew the 'continue' look. "What's your favorite colour?"
Ayden had enough of the tension.

"We're really resorting too small talk now?" Andrew looked relieved that he didn't have to pretend anymore. They made eye contact for a bit before smiling and bursting out laughing with each other. They got a few looks from people at different tables but they payed no mind to it.

They ordered their food and ate peacefully, picking up conversation every now and then. It was a relaxing and comfortable atmosphere. They both finished their food and made their way to the till for ice cream. Before Andrew could pull out his wallet for the ice cream Ayden pulled out his own with a smile "I got it this time" he said while handing his money to the tired looking cashier who just nodded and walked off looking grateful to get a break.

"You really didn't have to pay you know, I have more then enough money" Andrew was grateful for the gesture but he worried that Ayden was low on money and didn't want him to waste it when it wasn't needed. "Hey you've been paying until now, I want to pay, it's ok." Andrew smiled sweetly feeling butterflies in his stomach at the kind gesture "Thank you, Ayden" they got their ice cream from the tired looking cashier "thank you-" Ayden looked at the cashiers name tag
"-Kai" Ayden wished the cashier a good day before exiting the restaurant "Hey, come with me, I know a cool spot." Andrew spoke trying to sound confident with his voice laced in nervousness "Is it far from here?" Ayden asked hoping he wouldn't have to walk to much "no, it's just across the tree line over there and then pass the small river" Ayden feeling a little relieved it wasn't to far, he gestured his head for Andrew to lead the way

Andrew grabbed Aydens arm and begin to walk past the tree line having to climb over the fence in the process, while Andrew climbed over quite easily as he was used to it Ayden was a different story, struggling to grab the right spots and get his footing right. It was embarrassing enough struggling to climb a 6-7 foot fence but he was sweating a bit and he was scared it'd be noticeable "Just wait I'll climb back and help you up" Andrew said climbing back over the fence in less then 20 seconds "I'm sorry I'm really not good at climbing fences" Ayden said feeling guilty he made Andrew climb back over

"It's fine Andrew, I didn't invite you with the expectation that you'd be able to climb it right aways, I've been climbing this fence for just over 3 years" Andrew said chuckling at how guilty Ayden was acting, "you don't need to feel bad, Ayden, really I'm happy to help" Andrew said in a flirty tone while smiling "well if you don't mind.." Ayden said while stepping on Andrews shoulders and into a sitting position on the fence "hang on right there I'll climb to the other side and help you down" Ayden waited feeling a bit nervous at being this high off the ground without a solid place to set his feet.

Soon enough Andrew got to his side "ready?" Andrew said reaching out his arms for Ayden to hold onto while Andrew would grab his upper arms to help Ayden stay stable "yeah yeah" Ayden spoke just wanting to get down

They walked a little further crossing the small river with a few jumps, Ayden needing a bit of help here and there. "The water looks so pretty from this angle" Ayden said pulling out his phone to take a picture. He took a picture pausing a bit before turning to face Andrew again "wanna take a selfie? This is a beautiful view and would make for an amazing first photo!" Andrew smiled excitedly at how cute the idea was of a "first photo" it felt so romantic. Ayden held is phone out Andrew did a closed eye smile waiting for Ayden to take the photo, Andrew felt Ayden lean in for the photo and then me felt a pair of lips on his cheek.

He opened his eyes wide trying not to look flustered from it, for once he was the one overthinking and not Ayden. Ayden just smiled suddenly seeming a bit shy while looking at the photo.

"This is a good photo" Ayden smiled looking proud at such a simple thing.
He put his phone back into his pocket and they continued to walk to their destination.

Suddenly Ayden spotted the ledge of land they were walking on, it was very steep, it was relieving to see the bottom just looked like soft dirt and it wasn't a very far fall anyways, a little ahead of it was sand and then a big lake. The sun shined down so perfectly it made the water sparkle like it was full of little stars "woah.." Ayden was in love looking at the water, he didn't notice Andrew making a face of awe at him.

They sat with their legs hanging off edge, Ayden looking at the water and for once not feeling the need to take a photo of it, while Andrew was also looking at the water but 69% of the time he was just sneaking glances at Ayden.

They decided to stay there for a while sitting on a blanket that Andrew ever so conveniently brought within his backpack. Ayden texted his sister letting her know he'd be out late and that he was still alive. "Are we dating?" Ayden kinda blurted out, not wanting to beat around the bush. He was extremely nervous and his hands were only getting sweatier by the minute. Andrew looked at him for a second in thought. "If you want to be" he grinned meeting Ayden's eyes. "I do want to be." Ayden said sternly trying to be confident "I want to as well.. can I call you my boyfriend then?" Ayden's smile showed relief and happiness "you can."

The sun was setting.

They talked a lot. About a lot of different things, their childhood, family, friends... how they'd survive an apocalypse together if they ever had to. It wasn't awkward, it was nice and Aydan thought he could probably fall asleep right there. "Today is a good day." Ayden said with confidence while smiling a small and relaxed smile. "I'm glad you like this place as much as I do"

A few fireflies flying around the grass and bushes, it truly was an amazing view

Ayden laid down beside Andrew on the small blanket, hands laying loosely on their stomachs and chests. "Can I hold your hand?" Ayden said after a brief moment "..yeah" they held hands in silence, Andrews music playing quietly in the background of the soft breeze and crickets while they looked at the stars.

This is perfect...
1414 words
Hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

Signing off!

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