Chapter 3 | Ice cream

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He placed his hand on top of mine.. my heart was pounding, I feel so.. nervous..? Why am I nervous? I shouldn't be nervous. Is it hot in here?

Aydan didn't realize it but he was staring at their hands... for a while now. Aydan felt the tension and Andrew could see it in Ayden's eyes.

Ayden sat thinking for a while longer

This is strange right? Do you usually hold someone's hand after you find out they could be gay?

(Andrews pov... sorta)
Aydan looked up for a moment I guess realizing he was staring.. his face was hot red. He eyes still looking downward but now seemed like he was trying with everything he had not to look at their hands.

Andrew then intertwined his hand with Aydan's nothing was said and Andrew was incredibly nervous this is not something he's really ever done before. He's dated multiple guys but this situation was completely different then any he's ever been in. With the other guys they'd meet up, ask each other out and would date for a while. But this was different because he'd seen Ayden on multiple occasions and it was simple, it felt almost pure. He didn't have to have a filter.

This was great. Even if he could tell Aydan was flushed and didn't know what to do. Andrew guessed Aydan was never in the receiving end of these kinds of things.

"Would you guys like anything else? Maybe a room?"

Suddenly wide eyed they both shot their heads to a waitress . Since when do they have waitresses? "Uh-hm.." She forcefully coughed, gesturing to their kinds, they both shot their hands back to their own side of the table. Aydan felt flushed. Andrew turned to the waitress "Is there a problem with holding hands??" The waitress just smiled. "No, I'm just teasing, I love when people come here for first dates. It's always so fun seeing how cute they are with each other!" Her name tag said Nikki. Aydan put his head in his hands realizing it really must have looked like they were on a date. The waitress suddenly realizing how weird that must have sounded "oh yeah sorry, I ruined the moment. Please go back to holding hands.. or whatever you guys were doing, I'll be back in a bit.." she smiled

that was weird, why did she act like a character in a Wattpad story that supports the main love interests when the writers don't know how? This is strang🤔.

Nikki then walked off.

Andrew grabbed Aydans hand again.
He didn't know if he should move his hand, what if he was only holding his hand cause HE doesn't know if Aydan wanted to continue holding hands...

Andrew intertwined their fingers again. "Well we might as well order dessert"
"Yyyheah" Aydan's voice cracked. Could it have been any worse? "I mean uhm sure, we.. we might as well, right?" WHY DID I SAY THAT?! Aydan's thoughts were screaming at him to stop embarrassing himself.

They got ice cream, Andrew got a chocolate dipped cone while Aydan got a swirl. While paying though Andrew had to let go of Aydan's hand to get to his wallet, Aydan didn't know if he was supposed to feel sad or relieved, relieved that Andrew let go instead of obliviously struggling with one hand while Aydan had to stand there holding his other hand that he obviously needed but didn't know if he should let go of or sad that Andrew had let go in the first place. He decided to go with relived as it sounds way less embarrassing and he didn't know if he even was happy with the handholding yet.

They were on their way out, the sun was setting at this point, were they really in there for that long? Aydan was... confused, this guy he met a few days ago held his hand... twice. Was it just friendly supportive hand holding? It didn't feel like it was. There was so much tension... the kind of tension in romance movies when the main love interests kiss at the end of the movie. But we didn't kiss. Were we supposed to? NO! We just met a few days ago that would be weird... NO it would be weird if we kissed at all! Why would I think it'd be normal to kiss him at all? I just met him and I don't even know if I'm gay. I kinda hope I'm gay.. or at least bi, was that what it's called? It's spelt kinda funny. Maybe it's just buy or bye? I dunno, I'm trying my best.

They were walking back the way they came. This was the turn where Andrew would have to leave, so Aydan subconsciously slowed down, he wanted this to last longer. Then they got to the turn... and Andrew didn't stop walking..? Was he walking Aydan to his house? Maybe his front door? To his... room? Andrew slowed down to match Aydan's pace. "Are you walking me to my house?" Aydan didn't realize he asked until he did... what if Andrew wasn't and he just needed to go this way? To the store or something? "Yes. Maybe to your door even" Andrew said grinning at him. Ayden freaked out at first thinking Andrew heard his inner monologue but was relieved realizing it was just a joke and Andrew heard nothing.

He wanted Andrew to stay over, this was fun, he didn't normally have this long of a social battery but it only seemed to recharge with Andrew. Were him and Andrew friends now? Did he finally have a friend that wasn't introduced to him by Amelia? Is this how normal people make friends?

His hand brushed against Andrews. This sidewalk was narrow. Barely 2 people fit on it. Aydan remembers all the times he third wheeled on this sidewalk during times Amelia would have group hangouts. His hand brushed against Andrews again... was Andrew doing that on purpose? He looked down to see Andrews hand was slightly leaned over to Aydan's. Does he want me to hold his hand? Nervously very very nervously Aydan grabbed Andrews hand. Andrew then intertwined their fingers immediately. They walked. Aydan felt less nervous about it knowing that Andrew also felt nervous about it. Wait...
Are my hands sweaty? Or are our hands sweaty? What if my hands were sweaty when he grabbed them? What if he says something about it..? What if he doesn't say something about it? Will he hold my hand again?

Oh no he won't want to hold my hand again!

"Are you ok?" He snapped back to reality, it was dark outside, already? "oh sorry what?" Aydan was confused, it was a comfortable silence so what was it? "It's your stop.." Aydan looked back, it was his stop.. "oh." Was all he got out, was there something else he was supposed to say? "Hey, today was fun. Maybe we'll get food another time?" Really? Did Andrew also find it that fun? He again forgot to answer. ".. hey it's fine if you don't wanna" WAIT NO! "No no no! Sorry! I would love to hang out again!" NOOOO! you sound clingy! Stupid! Stupid! BAD! "Ok, great, we'll talk specifics later?" "Yeah, sure" Andrew smiled and turned to walk. Aydan stood there for a bit. "you didn't walk me to my room.." he whispered when Andrews footsteps faded away completely. almost disappointed.


1223 words

(Useless words warning)
Hope this chapter was ok.

So please give feedback! It helps me feel a lot more confident with my writing when I get tips so I can produce more chapters!

Signing off
Rice Sack

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