Chapter 5 | 15 minuts late | pt 2

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(This is the 2nd part of chapter 4)

They were nearly at Aydan's house now, still holding hands. They just passed Andrews turn and were about 8 minutes away at this point. The streets were empty and the silence was strong and comfortable.

It was at this point where the tension started growing again. Ayden didn't wanna go, this was so fun but it was cold and his jacket wasn't the thickest jacket around. He didn't feel so cold since he was so close to Andrew they were basically sharing body heat.

7 minutes away..

They're hands were toasty warm and so was Aydan's face, he started thinking about how much they've held hands and it's making him feel a bit flushed, good thing nothing was being said between them at the moment.

Ayden was lost in thought again just thinking about their hands and the most gentle filled moments they've shared.

Suddenly Andrew stopped walking, they were in front Aydan's house only being hidden by the bush fence that goes around Ayden's yard.

"Ayden looked at Andrew giving him a questionable look. "Ayden..?" This was the most awkward Ayden has ever seen Andrew. "Ya? What's wrong, Andrew?" There was a long pause. "If.. if I were to ask you on a date.. like a real date.. what would you say..?" Another long pause. "I think" Ayden thought for a moment "I think I would say yes." Ayden confessed truthfully. Andrew just looked at him.

"Ayden, would you like to go on a real date with me? Nothing super fancy, just like.." he laughed then continued "just Dairy Queen. But a date?" Although Ayden just said yes he felt pretty embarrassed saying yes again, but he mustered ( haha) up some confidence "yes, I would like that." Ayden said with every piece of confidence he had. Andrew and Ayden both smiled at each other.

This was nice.


Words: 310

Hope you liked this!🧞☂️🪻🦋🩵💧

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