Chapter 1 | Sorry Sir

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He woke to his sister screaming at him.
Addy was the Nickname she chose for Ayden.
"LANGUAGE IZZ! WATCH YOUR MOUTH OR I'LL WATCH FOR YOU!" His mother shouted from her room. "SORRY MOM!!"

Ayden decided it was time to get up. School starts in 40 minutes and he still needed to shower, so he gathered his outfit for today which consisted of dark blue jeans with a black t-shirt and a sweater

After showering and getting dressed he brushed his teeth, looked at the clock realizing he had 10 minutes to eat and get to the school, on a different subject he decided his hair was fine as it was.

"SHHHIT!" Dashing down the stairs to the kitchen Ayden almost ran straight into Izz, he was going to apologize until he smelled the food she and mom had had made while he was in the shower..

"Oh fuck yes! Thanks Izz, thanks mom!" It was the very classic bacon and grilled cheese. Ayden's mom was already sitting by the table eating while Izz was just filling her plate.

"Language Addy! And you're welcome" Ayden's mom smiled and his sister made grunting noise that roughly translated a "welcome"

Ayden just finished his food with 9 minutes to spare and he basically flew out the door to school (how cliche, I know)

~Time Skip~

"I DID IT!" Ayden made it to school with an extra 3 minutes until the bell rang. He walked as fast as he could without getting in trouble to his first class. Math....
Ayden was never good at math. He barley could keep his grades up but his mother didn't seem to mind all that much as long as he tried.

"Hello, Aydan. Care to explain why your late?" Mr. Deald never really liked him either.. He knew he wasn't technically late but he decided to be polite anyways.
"Sorry sir.. I have no excuse." Ayden figured saying this might make           Mr. Deald let it slide.

"Very well, just go take a seat." Ayden was basically screaming "YES!" In his head, on the outside though, he just slightly bowed to Mr. Bullshit and walked to his seat

Math went by in a blur and eventually it was break. Ayden walked out the classroom to meet his best friend since diapers, Amelia.
Amelia has dark brown braids, and Chocolate brown eyes. And Ayden can't believe she isn't a celebrity because she's so beautiful, everyone loves her men, women and everyone in between. She's pretty popular for her looks but she doesn't really hangout with anyone except for Ayden and a few other folks.

"Hey Addy!" She found Ayden "Why didn't I see you this morning?! I have so much to sayyyy! I thought you loved me!" She gasped dramatically and started giggling. Ayden rolled his eyes while smiling as he walked up to her "sorry I was late today 'Mr. Math' made me stay back and wouldn't stop giving me bullshit" you made sure to use his nickname. "HA! Well I guess this proves he's really a bullshitter for Math" there was always jokes about him being in love with math. Ayden took out a candy bar and handed it to Amelia as they walked

"Soooo did you see sidewalker today?" Amelia asked between bites. Sidewalker being the mysterious boy that always walks on the sidewalk across the road from Ayden. He sighed

"Nope, I was to busy running here I didn't pay attention, and he was probably already at school.." "what a shame. It's your fault because you were late!" She started to dramatically fake cry while trying not to laugh. "Yeah yeah." Ayden waved his hand dismissively while handing Amelia some of his snacks

~Time Skip~
Schools finally over. Ayden walked along the sidewalk not seeing Sidewalker anywhere. "Is he sick today?" Not long after he glanced behind himself only to see about 20 feet away was the boy he had yet to see until now. Ayden didn't realized he was staring until Sidewalker looked up at him.. he has a big smile on his face while waving at Ayden. He waved back while quickly turning back and continuing to walk. He got about 2 minutes before he felt someone beside him on the narrow sidewalk. He looked up to see sidewalker walking beside him, he still had a big smile on his face.

"Hey! I've seen you around a few times and wanted to introduce myself! I'm Andrew!" He held his hand out to shake, you took it and smiled trying not to look uncomfortable. "Hi.. I'm Aydan, but my friends call me Addy" you don't know how his smile could possibly get any bigger but it did. "Nice to meet you Addy- oh! This is my road, see you later!"

He handed Ayden a card with what he only could assume was his number as he ran across the street without looking. "Look both ways!" Ayden yelled genuinely concerned. Andrew turned around glancing at the seemingly empty road.. now Ayden felt stupid. Andrew laughed "HA. HA." Ayden called after Andrew feeling a bit stupid. "Yeah sorry, thanks though!" He waved a quick wave and turned on his heels running away before Ayden could say anything else.

"well that social interaction was absolutely rancid Ayden thought to himself while doing his inner monologue out loud"

Ayden stood there for a bit, realizing Side- Andrew actually gave Ayden his number. He glanced at the card in his hand, the number was hand written.. did he plan to give him his number? He smiled goofily while also having to hold back jumping around with joy in fear he was watching somewhere. So Ayden pocketed it and went on his way.


Words: 1006

(Useless stuff warning)

Ok.. so if you can, please give me feedback on this chapter! I know it was a bit boring but it's the very beginning and there's lots to come! I know it's annoying when writers always ask for feedback and stuff but it's so appreciated! And I would love to hear your thoughts :)

Also I'm horrible with POV's so just don't mind that...

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