Chapter 6 | looking guilty

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After getting inside Ayden was confronted with his sister..

"Addy! where were you!?" Ayden jumped back a few inches not seeing his sister until she yelled "SHH! Don't wake up mom!" Even though he was in deep shit at the moment, he still was not gonna have his mom wake up when she had to get up extra early tomorrow.

Izz sighed. "Where.. were you?" She said looking like she was using every inch of her body not to strangle him. There was a moment. "I was hanging out with Andrew, we got lost of time in Dairy Queen and we walked home as soon as we remembered! I didn't do drugs!" He smiled trying to get rid of the painfully awkward aura that surrounded him at the moment.

"Andrew? You mean the guy who you've been texting for the past few days?" Izz questioned sounding more like she was trying to get all the tea rather then get upset at him. "Yeah, we've hung out a few times now. You know this? I told before I left." Ayden sighed knowing she wasn't really listening but it still hurt now that he had confirmed it.

"Oh. Yeah sorry.." she smiled sheepishly looking guilty. "Yeah I know." The conversation was done for the time being but he suspected there was more because she followed him into the kitchen "sooo... what were you two talking about before you came in?" Wait she saw? How does she know he was with me??? "What?" She scoffed and Ayden turned to face her. "I can see over the bushes just fine from my room." Shit. He forgot she moved to the second floor. "Oh.. we were just talking about the next time we'd hang out again." He said trying to sound natural. Nobody knew he could possibly be gay... yet.

"Mmhm. That's why you were holding hands?" She smiled mockingly WHAT. "What are you some stalker? How much did you see?" She looked up a bit seeming rather shocked "Ayden... I was joking.." well fuck me, now she actually knows.

Ayden didn't say anything. He just turned around and opened the fridge to hide his face from her now shit eating grin. "You know, Ayden.. I don't care if you.. like guys... I know-" "I'm not gay." She looked annoyed that I interrupted her. "I don't care if you're gay or not, I'm just saying, that if you were to be, I wouldn't give two flying monkey craps and I wouldn't tell mom if you didn't want me too." She stood waiting for a response from Ayden but he was still hiding in the fridge. She turned around and started walking away "Izz- wait!" She turned a bit to look back and Ayden was now away from the fridge and looking defensive and uncomfortable. "Don't.. don't tell mom please.." he was looking anywhere but her.

"Addy, of course I won't. That's your own decision when you want too tell her- whatever it is you wanna tell." She walked over and hugged Ayden who despite not getting hugs often loved them, and she knew that. He hugged back after a few seconds.

"Goodnight, Addy, I love you." She pulled away and walked to her room upstairs, "goodnight, I love you too Izz." He called back

Ayden laid in bed, not knowing what to do with his feelings at the moment. He was happy he was able to get support from his beloved sister but he was nervous, he had to actually confront his feelings now, he couldn't just ignore them anymore.

He heard his phone buzz from his nightstand. He opened a message from Andrew.

Andrew- get inside ok?

Ayden- I guess? my sister caught me when I came in.

Andrew- oh, all good?

Ayden- yeah. At the moment at least, everything is alright.

Andrew- ok good. So don't forget about our date, does next Friday work?

Ayden- oh, yeah it works for me.

Andrew- ok great. See you later

Ayden- see you

So, I guess we're really.. dating..? Ayden did not know how these things really worked.

He decided to text Amelia

Ayden- hey, Amelia. I need to talk to you tomorrow at school, or whenever you're not busy drooling over any slightly attractive person.

(10 minutes go by)

Amelia- sure, is everything alright? Did something happen?

Ayden- yeah it's alright. I think. I just need to talk to you, nothing really important.

(Ayden was lying, it was super important to him)

Amelia- sure ok. I'll make sure to get there early. Is there anything else?

Ayden- nope. Goodnight, Em.

Amelia- Night, Addy.

(Time Skip to morning before school)

Today was decent so far. Ayden got up early so he didn't need to rush and he had time to take an extra long shower.
He just got dressed and went downstairs.

"Good morning, Addy! What are you doing up this early?" His mom questioned while making breakfast for him and his sister. "Oh, I just got up early so I could take extra long in the shower, he smiled as he kissed his mom on the cheek.

"Well I guess I don't have to put your food in a container then. Make sure to remind Izz that her food is in the fridge, ok?" She smiled as she kissed him back on the cheek and gave him a hug which he enjoyed a lot. "Alright, are you running late, again?" She scoffed while laughing offensively "again? I'm not late that often, Addy" she laughed as she knew she was wrong. "Oh nOO definitely not" Addy stated with his hands up. "Well I gotta go, be safe Addy and don't die!" She smiled heading out the door "you too!" He yelled back right before she could close the door.

It was nice being able to see his beloved mother in the morning, cause although she comes home at 10pm (which was pretty early to Addy) she's always in bed and almost never has enough energy too stay awake to spend time with them, reasonably so.

He noticed he had about half hour left if he still wanted to go to school early so he spent his time eating the delicious, heavenly, fresh food his mom had prepared, which was pancakes and bacon, today must be my lucky day!

(Time Skip to school)

"Hey Amelia!" He yelled as he found his best friend in the hallway next to his locker. "Hey, Addy, what did you need to talk about?" He looked around a bit to make sure nobody was paying attention "ok well, I'm sorta... um." He paused losing some of the confidence he came in with "going on a... date. with someone..." she gasped like she won the lottery "REALLY?!" She screamed way to loud cause now people were looking, she apologized and everyone moved on. "Really?!" She said much quieter this time around. "Yeah..!" Ayden said feeling a bit uncomfortable with how surprised she was. "Who?!" Her eyes basically lit up. "Um.. Sidewalker..." her mouth was agape she didn't say a word for a solid 15 seconds, Ayden eventually started getting his stuff from his locker trying to not look awkward "Good for you! Oh my god I didn't think you'd would ever have a solid conversation with him and yet you're going on a date with him!" She whisper-yelled  "Yeah... this Friday is what he told me." She smiled looking genuinely proud and sincere. "You're all grown upppp" she said sounding like she was gonna actually cry. "Don't cry here, Em!" He said as she pulled him into a suffocating hug yet he couldn't bring himself to pull away as he reluctantly hugged her back.


1270 words

(Useless warning)
I took my sweet and limited time with this chapter.

I got a bit of a writing block.. so you know. I couldn't think of what I could possibly add but it came to me over time! Please give me feedback as it really helps and I'm desperate. I don't care if it's been a year

Make sure to drink lots of fluids and to eat until you're full! :)

Signing off
Rice Sack <3

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