" if you want me to be yours then stay mine " I replied.

" I'm all yours, love" you said.

And we sealed it again with a kiss.

(Past: 3 months ago)

The thunderstorm just stopped,
Leaving behind the children scared,
People's death,
And some broken home.

But our home didn't got affected by it,
As it was already broken.

We were the travellers who explored the forest together but then got lost alone.

It's been a month since that day,
The day I fell down from your eyes,
The day I did something I never had imagined I will.
The day I disrespected you.

Right now, after a month I stand there,
At the same place,
And you stand in front of me with a disappointed look.

" Where were you? " You ask.

Deja Vu hits me again,
As those moments of past flashes,
In front of my tired eyes.

You sigh as a response,
To the lack of my reply.

" You did not enter this house from a whole month. I know you don't care but atleast inform and leave. I won't stop you, atleast now I won't "
The last part was a mere wisper,
But the silence in the atmosphere,
With only ticking sound of clock to be heard,
The wisper was heard.

It's funny how we can't hear our unspoken words but our wispers.

" I had some business " I replied.

I could see your face sulking.

" Do your business but atleast inform someone who stays at your house. One month isn't a less of a deal. You were missing. I was worried "

" You were worried? " I asked as if it was joke.

" Ofcourse I was. We may have as many as fights but I care. I don't know whether you do or not though "

" I really don't have energy to continue this "

" So don't start it "

The same old shit was repeating,
With our hearts beating,
With the anger,
Not with the love.

" You don't know the number of calls, texts everything I did. I contacted your office, your colleagues , your family but you were nowhere. Where were you? " You asked.

" None of your business "

" Fucking right! I should not have given a damn. You don't even care " you shouted this time and banged the table due to which the glass of water fell.

" Oh I don't? Wasn't it you who stopped caring? You didn't care about my efforts "

" We aren't starting with this blame game, are we? I'm in then. You didn't care about me when you threw that wine "

" I was angry "

" That doesn't justify it. "

" You lost interest from our small things! "

" You were always busy in your work "

" You never tried to make up after a fight "

" You started the fight" you replied back.

" You never realised I was hurt "

" You never tried to communicate that you were hurt"

" You didn't even hear me out"

" You never appreciated my efforts "
" You never came with me to meet my family "

" You never took a stand for me in front of your family"

" You never liked my family "

" They didn't like me either "

" You were not there with me even on my birthday! "

" You weren't there when my mom was hospitalized "

" I was not here. And you weren't there when my father died "

" That's because you mother asked me not to! You don't know it. Any of it "

" You should have told me then "I said.

So many confessions.

" You don't even know I met with an accident " you told.

" It's because you never told me! "

" You didn't want a baby "

" That was a mutual decision! And we would have spoke about it if you ever tried to communicate"

We both sighed in sinc.

We sat down on couch,
I held my head with both my hands,
And you sat there silent.

After a good amount of silence,
I finally spoke.

" From mentally hurting eachother, we have started hurting each other physicaly and I think we should end things before we Destroy each other so much that none of us will ever be able to heal again. Ever. "

You looked at me,
For a second I felt your eyes tearing,
And then you nodded.

" Right. I'll leave this place today"
You replied.

" No. You stay. I'm leaving "

" It's already suffocating for me. So let me go " you said and we both looked into each other's eyes.

Not with love,
Not with longing,
Just with some sorrow and regret.

Maybe this was an end to our forever.

We were like two pieces of mirrorball who shined brighter together, and now we are the shattered pieces which fail to shine alone.

Soul ties but ours unfolded.


Maybe the entire fault was hers?
Maybe the entire blame was his?

Whoever's fault it was,
Everythig fell apart,
As they let it.

...I think I've seen this film before
And I didn't like the ending
You're not my homeland anymore
So what am I defending now?
You were my town
Now I'm in exile, seein' you out
I think I've seen this film before
So I'm leavin' out the side door...

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