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Warning: Pov's will swap a lot. And there's a lot of time skips at the end.

"Let's go," Leo said excitedly and ran toward the door.

Annabeth looked at Piper and the two shrugged. The four of them ran out of the door.

The room that they walked into was a large circular room. There were a few seats here and there, but they had all-but one-been knocked over.

But the most alarming thing was the two people fighting in the center of the room.

The male was obviously Percy.

The female was someone Annabeth had never seen before.

She was wearing a long black dress with a hood that would've covered her eyes, if it hadn't been torn to shreds. Her eyes were a startling golden color, the same color as Kronos'. She was barefoot, which couldn't have been comfortable due to the shattered glass that was strewn all over the floor.

Annabeth nodded and Frank and Piper helped Jason who was passed out on the floor a few feet away from the fight, and Hazel who sat in the corner of the room, her hair matted with blood. The two nodded and ran over to the two to help them.

Annabeth looked at Leo and nodded as he questioningly pulled out a rope. Leo nodded and made his way behind the one chair that was standing upright.

Annabeth sighed, and ran forward, drawing her dagger, and joining the fight.

Leo had no idea how to tie this girl up. As he watched, the girl-somehow-made Annabeth and Percy slow down, her feet making bloody footprints across the floor.

"Need some help?" someone behind him asked. Leo jumped and turned around to see Ellie.

"Sure," Leo said.

Ellie took the rope from Leo and he watched as his sister tackled Mylah from behind.

The daughter of Hephaestus tied up the girl.

She set Mylah in the corner, "What are we going to do with her?"

"First, we'll have to free the Olympians. Where-" Annabeth was interrupted by Ellie, "The Olympians are over there." Ellie pointed over at the far side of the room.

Leo, Annabeth, and Ellie ran over to the other side of the room, quickly working on freeing the gods.

After they all were free, they said their thanks and disappeared in different colors of smoke. All except Hestia.

"Do you kneed help getting them back to help?" Hestia gestured to Percy-who was now laying on the floor, a deep cut in his side-, Jason-who was slowly regaining consciousness-, and Hazel-who was fussing over Frank's hair.

"If you wouldn't mind," Annabeth said. Hestia smiled and patted Annabeth's cheek, "I wouldn't mind at all." She snapped and the world went black.

3rd Person
When they opened her eyes, Annabeth, Piper, Percy, Jason, and Hazel were standing in the infermary-well, Annabeth, Piper, and Hazel were standing.

Nico walked into the room, glanced at Percy and Jason on the floor, and yelled, "Will!"

"What?" Will asked, walking into the room.

"Styx," he muttered when he saw them. He ran over and immediately fussed over Jason and Percy.


"Why do we have to be here? Everybody's dead," Ellie complained.

She had gotten annoyed by Mylah's complaining after a single minute of walking, so the girl was now tied up around the waist, ankles, hands, over her mouth, and had a dagger close to the throat in case if she got any ideas.

"We have to give Mylah to Luke," Leo said.

"The guy who raised Cronus?"

Frank nodded, "Her turned good at the end though."

"Okay," Ellie glared at Mylah, "I still don't like him."

"I know," Frank said, "But it'll make him happy. He obviously doesn't like her."

"Okay," Ellie frowned when she saw the bright yellow house in front of them, "Why's it so bright?"

"Dunno," Leo shrugged, "Let's get this over with."

The three of them walked to the house and knocked on the door.


"There," Will said as he finished wrapping Jason's head.


"Athena?" Percy asked as he walked into her palace on Olympus. He heard a faint noise from her bedroom, so he walked towards it.

"Hate how you lied and called it honest

I let you drive, but now I'm car sick

Hate knowing that her eyes

Made you forget all about mine

Hate how you loved me in the right ways

How you turned us into a cliche

Hate how you made me fall

Hate how I don't hate you at all."

Percy frowned as he watched Athena wave her hands aimlessly in the air as she lay on her bed.

"Underneath the games you played

I know that you're thoughtful

And that only makes this worse

I wish you were awful

I'm in the sweater you gave me

But it's not as warm as it used to be

I don't wanna cut you out like this

But I think that I got to."

Percy cleared his throat.

Athena quickly sat up, "Hey, Percy."

"What was that?" Percy asked cautiously as he gestured at her bed.

Athena's cheeks turned pink,"You heard that?"

Percy nodded, "Yes. Wha- Who was the song for?" Athena smiled and shook her head, "No one. It's just a song."

Percy sighed, "Okay."

Athena walked up to Percy and kissed him softly.

"I love you."

The End

Word Count:869

I'm sad now. It's over.

I just want to say thank you to those of you who stuck with this from the beginning. I loved reading your comments. Thank you so much.

Happy reading,


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