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Athena decided that shadow traveling would be quicker than trying to get a ride.

So, they all walked into Hades' palace so Athena could ask Hades to help them.

"Athena?" Percy asked. She stopped and turned around.

"Why are we going into Hades' palace?" Percy asked.

"I need to ask Hades for a favor," Athena said slowly.

"Hades will want something back," Annabeth said.

"He already owes me," Athena said, "He'll be repaying the... favor."

"What did you do for him?" Percy asked.

"Umm..." Athena trailed off, "I'll tell you later."

She spun around on her heel and started walking again. It was a moment before she heard footsteps following her.

She continued walking through the halls until she came to an intricately carved set of double doors.

She nodded at the guards who guarded the door and they opened the door quickly.

Athena smiled at them and walked forward, trying to ignore the fact that the guards were skeletons from the civil war. Specifically from the Confederate Army.

"Mars," Athena mumbled to herself.

"What about him?" Mia asked.

"As you probably know, the Civil War was between the Greeks and Romans. Well, Mars hasn't stopped bragging about how the Romans were stronger than the Greeks. In reality, the Greeks were winning, but Zeus ordered for the two camps to be separated so there was no more fighting," Athena explained.

"Oh," Mia said.

"He was so proud that two of his kids lead the Union army," Athena muttered.

"Calm down," Percy said softly. Athena ignored him and kept walking.

Soon the group came up on another set of double doors.

Athena pushed the doors open and walked into the throne room.

The room was curved, with an armchair in front of a small fireplace. I'm the center of the room was a throne made out of bones.

On the throne was a man with black hair that came down to his shoulders, solid black eyes, and pale skin. He was wearing a suit and bow tie woven out of souls.

"Hades," Athena said and nodded stiffly.

"Hello, Athena," Hades greeted.

"I was wondering if you would help us travel to Camp Half-Blood," Athena said.

"Why should I help?" Hades asked. Athena smiled, "I believe you have a debt to me. I saved you from-"

"I'll help," Hades interrupted. Athena smiled, "Let's go then."

Hades snapped his fingers.

When everyone opened their eyes, they were standing on Half-Blood Hill.

"They're back!" someone shouted from Thalia's Tree.

She had brown hair and purplish-grey eyes.

"Hi, Sophia," Athena said.

"Hello, Lady Athena," Sophia said shyly,"...Do you... do you know who my mom is?"

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