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It was a tough week. Percy had almost had a heart attack when Thalia pretended to drop her towel. Rude. Artemis had a good laugh when Percy ran into the woods.

One day Hera was helping Percy cook and asked, "So... I've been thinking..."

"Yes?" Percy asked.

"Well... you know how Zeus has cheated on me multiple times... and well... I was wondering if you would be willing to help me get revenge on him?" Hera asked.

"Ummm, Hera, I don't really... do... that...," Percy trailed off hoping she would get the message.

"Oh, um... okay," Hera looked away. Percy felt bad, but he didn't feel like doing that with her-or anybody for that matter. (Cough, yeah right, cough) (cough, not Athena, cough)

They finished cooking in silence.

When dinner was finished, Hera flashed to Olympus and Percy set the food on the table.

"Lady Artemis?" Percy asked when he was at the doorway of her tent. Artemis turned around looking a little flushed.

"Diner's ready," Percy said. Artemis nodded.

Percy walked out to the woods with his plate.

"Hi," a familiar voice said. Percy looked behind him to see Athena.

"Hey, Athena," Percy said. "You want some?" Percy pointed to his plate.

"No thanks, I ate before I came here," Athena said. She sat down next to him. Percy's heart started beating faster than it should.

Athena reached her hand over. Percy couldn't move. When her hand was on top of his own is when Percy could move again.

He slid over to where he was right next to Athena. (Not without blushing)

Athena looked up and laughed.

"What?" Percy asked.

"Your face looks like a tomato," Athena said and continued laughing.

"Gee thanks," Percy said sarcastically. Athena continued laughing. So, Percy did the only reasonable thing he could do, (cough, riiight, cough) he leaned over and kissed her.

Percy honestly thought that Athena would push him away, but what she did surprised him. She tangled her hands in his messy hair and kissed him back with her eyes closed.

When Athena pulled away she whispered. "That was so much better than I imagined." Percy smiled.

"I'm glad to know that I didn't scare you away," Percy said. Athena laughed. "Even if I wanted to, I couldn't leave you"

"Oh, and why is that?" Percy challenged.

Athena looked away. She held her knees to her chest and sighed. "I just- you wouldn't understand."

"I will admit, I can be pretty stupid at times-"

"A lot of the time," Athena interrupted.

"Okay, a lot of the time, but once I'm curious, I'm curious," Percy finished. Athena's lips formed a small smile. "You really are a Kelp Head."

"You've been talking to Thalia," Percy said with fake seriousness. Athena laughed, "Maybe."

"Why can't you leave me?" Percy asked.

"Do you want me to?" Athena asked obviously hurt.

"No! No, Athena. I want you to stay, I just... I don't know why you stay," Percy said looking down at Athena and his own intertwined hands.

Athena stayed silent.

"What is it?" Percy asked. "You know you can talk to me." He brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

Athena took a long, deep breath, "It's just... you've never loved me... and I kinda love you..." Percy smiled. "I love you too, ya know."

He kissed her lightly on the lips.

"I hear Artemis walking here," Athena said as she scooted away from Percy. He pouted.

"Can't we have a little secret?" Athena whispered.

Percy kept the pout on his face.

"Percy?" Artemis asked. Athena pulled her hand away from Percy. Artemis looked at their once intertwined hands.

"Right here," Percy said. Artemis smiled faintly.

"I... need to... talk to you," Artemis looked at Athena cautiously.

"Uh, sure?" Percy said. He glanced at Athena and she nodded.

He stood up and followed Artemis.

Word Count:620

HAHA! I left a cliffy!

I'm sorry, it was mean, but I couldn't resist!

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