Chapter 1

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I had this idea since I've reread 'Second Home' (on ao3 by ChocolateSyrup). If you read that amazing fanfic, you already know what this story will exactly be about. If you haven't... well... you'll have to read my story to find out ;)

I hope y'all enjoy this new story. I'm quite proud of this one :)

In the last year and a half, everything Sonic had dreamed of became reality. Sonic thought he would always remain hidden, only lurking in the shadows, watching Green Hill's unsuspecting residents go about their days, having movie nights "with" his favorite family, and having fun messing with Crazy Carl. However, after a relatively small explosion on the baseball field (caused by his ten-year loneliness), Sonic ended up spending a few days on a cross-country road trip with his favorite person—Donut Lord—while being hunted by a robotics-based scientist with an undeniably impressive mustache.

They had some fun, some fights, a scared auntie, a bunch of broken bots, and Robotnik being tossed into a portal to a mushroom world. Following that trip, Sonic ended up living with Tom and his wife, Maddie.

Active in the community and beloved by its citizens, Sonic was more than happy to finally have someone he could talk to, people he could call friends, be able to interact with the Greenhill residents, be part of the baseball team, have a home, a family he could confide in, and a family with whom he, eventually, felt comfortable sharing his past. A family that always helped him through whatever struggle he was facing after ten years of isolation. The family that was always there to console him when he had a nightmare about Longclaw (he really misses her sometimes).

As his best year (yet) on Earth came to a close, his parents—even though, back then, he considered them just his friends—well, more like a weird mix between friends and parents—considered him responsible enough to leave him home alone during a weekend. Rachel was going to get married, and Sonic had the whole house to himself.

What he thought was going to be just a really fun weekend turned into so much more. Eggman was back, accompanied by a mysterious red Echidna named Knuckles.

They quickly began fighting, and, after some 'honor my tribe' and 'does it look like I need your power?' nonsense, a twin-tail fox named Tails appeared to help him escape.

After they managed to escape and went to Siberia (he was not going to let down Longclaw, after all!), Tails told him he had spied watched him pretty much after the whole explosion accident. Sonic would've been creeped out by it if it wasn't for the fact that he had spied on the Green Hill residents for ten years. Besides, he could tell the fox was as lonely as he was a year before everything had changed for him.

And in the span of two days, everything had changed once again. And in the span of two days, everything had changed once again. Sonic found himself with two brothers, the realization and acceptance of Tom and Maddie being his parents, and his family of three becoming a family of five. The idea of a bigger family was exciting. Unfortunately, it did come with challenges. Going from only child to middle child had been somewhat... complicated for Sonic. He had to learn how to share his room with his brothers, his stuff, how to spend time with each brother individually, and more than that, how to share his parents.

It had been very hard at first, but, eventually, the blue blur realized (with his parents' and brothers' help) that while he got to spend less time with his parents, he was able to spend more time with his brothers. He, eventually, understood that Tom and Maddie aren't just his parents anymore, but Tails' and Knuckles' parents, too. And now, months later, Sonic feels that being part of a bigger family is better than he could have ever imagined. He felt so blessed to have the life he has now.

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