18//Steamy with Mr. Dreamy

Start from the beginning

"H-How?" I blurted out.

"By using my mouth." He smirked, getting off of my quivering and sweaty body. He stood in front of me and opened my legs more wider.

"Mm, you're so mouth-watering." He ranked my body up and down which made me shiver in delight.

He stared hungrily at my 'kitty' and situated his hands on the bottom of the bed. Spit shot out of his mouth and darted right to my core. I cried, quivering as he made his way down.

His hot breath reached my core and he looked right into my eyes. The scene was so unbearable that I curled up my toes in pleasure. He noticed and kissed my knee.

While he was still staring into my eyes, his tongue darted out of his mouth. I shook as he slowly ducked down. His eyes stayed emotionless and on me as his tongue wiggled seductively.

A pleasurable gasp escaped me as his tongue landed deep into my cunt. I shut my eyes tightly as his tongue penetrated me. With his hand, he opened up my flaps to get better access of my quivering vulva. I squealed as he bit down on my nub and proceeded to taste me.

As I felt an intense pressure build up in my stomach, Urka stopped what he was doing, looking up at me. Thank the Lord. I didn't want an orgasm. For some reason I was afraid to let go. Joshua had tried to make me have an orgasm before, but he failed miserably. That was a long time ago.

But if Urka had kept going, that would've been my first orgasm. And of course, I'm not going to tell him Joshua never made me orgasm before, because he would make fun of him.

"I know that Joshua tried to make you hit your climax before." I guess he already knows.


"I can read you, Isabella. I acknowledge you a lot. I notice that whenever your eyebrows knit together that you're turned on. I notice that when you're happy your eye color turns a lighter color. I notice that when you're sad or angry your nostrils flare. I notice things you've never noticed about yourself, Isabella. What does that tell you?"

I gulped. "That you're psycho."

He stared deeply into my eyes with no expression on his face. Almost animal-like, he crawled up towards my body.

"Say that again."

He was psycho so I was not going to say that again.

"You must forgot that I'm in control. You can't do anything to me, Isabella, I'm more stronger than you."

"If you were more stronger than me then you wouldn't have my wrists tied against the bed post!"

"Hm... I'm going to have to get you back in your place." I gulped as he sucked his fingers.

"I wasn't going to give you an orgasm, but since you want to talk back to me, I have no other choice but do so."

"Urka, I'm---" It was too late. He took no time into plunging his long finger deep into my cunt. He was bringing me back up to my climax. I slammed my head on the bed and cried out.

"Come to me, Isabella." He ducked his head down to put one of my breasts in his mouth. I arched my back which made him groan. With his free hand, he cupped my other boob in his.

I felt the pressure build up again. I wanted him to stop but I didn't say anything. I felt his finger curl up inside of me and that hit a spot that made me spasm and lose control.

"Oh my god, Urkaaa!" I moaned out his name as my orgasm seemed like forever.

"Good kitty." He took his finger out of me and stuck it in his mouth. He took his finger out with a 'pop.'

"You're so delicious." He groaned, getting off of me to taste more of me.

I felt so dirty, but yet, I felt satisfied. I felt full for some odd reason.

Urka got a knife to cut off the rope that was holding me hostage for a long time. Rubbing my wrists to get back circulation, I watched as he stretched out his muscles. Gosh, he was so muscular. Sure, Joshua was muscular, but he wasn't in the same category as Urka. Why am I comparing them...

"I had an amazing time with you. Maybe one day I'll stick something in you that's far more bigger than my finger."

I shivered. "We aren't having sex. I can't even believe you would do something like this! This is... this is... sexual abuse!"

"Not if you liked it." He said, winking at me.

"But still, you had me tied up in a vulnerable state so I couldn't do anything about it."

"That state you were in was sexy as Hell. I think I'm going to do the exact same thing with Joshua."

My eyes widened as well as my mouth. "He said he's not attracted to men! He said that it was disgusting and not right at all."

"He won't be saying that until I'm pounding into his b---"

"Gross!" I shuddered at the thought. "What is wrong with you?!"

"Many things that I haven't discovered yet. But it won't be gross. You'll be turned on by it. And then when I got Joshua convinced, we can all have a threesome."

"You are psycho." I mused.

"I know." He said shrugging. "I'm psycho when it comes to love."

That was a weak ending LMAO

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