"Oh! I should've asked. Do you play games?" Mai changed her question. Midori raised a brow, "Like video games? N-Not really. My mom doesn't let me buy games like that. She says they make you stupid." The green haired girl fumbled with her fingers. The three girls gave her shocked looks and Y/n said, "Sounds like someone is a terrible gamer. Come with us to the gaming club and we'll show you some games."


"Wow! This is so fun!" Midori's eyes lit up happily. Y/n shrugged, "Meh. Senpai of the Night is a pretty old game. I heard they are actually making a new one but no news is coming out about it yet. Lately, I've been obsessed with Minecrazz."

"Oh! We should play that next!" Mai suggested. Her voice sounded as sweet as sugar. "I'd like that." Midori replied, feeling like for the first time, she found somewhere where she belonged.


"Are you sure I can keep this?" Midori asked, unsure if she should be allowed to take this game. Y/n nodded and said, "I recently downloaded it on my Saikostation so I don't need the disk. I also recommend downloading it on your computer. Since you said you had one." Y/n suggested. Midori happy nodded and grabbed the game from Y/n's hands.

"Thank you guys so much! Let's all play together again!" And with that, Midori turned away and asked off to her classroom.

On her way there, she suddenly heard a shout, followed by a loud thud. Never having seen a horror movie, the green haired girl went to investigate the sound. The peaked from around a corner to see those five tan girls from before. They were surrounding a boy with blue hair and apricot like colored eyes.
He let out a yelp as the leader grabbed his hair and a girl with green hair put her foot on the side of his head.

"Oh my god! What a loser!" The leader said as she started to pull his hair, ignoring his desperate shouting and begging to be let go.
"Seriously. What a fucking weakling." The green haired girl said. Then, a girl with pink hair took some gum out of her mouth and went to stick it on the boy.

"D-Don't!" He begged, which only made the bullies laugh.

Midori couldn't stand seeing it. She remembered how Y/n rushed to help her and defend her against the bullies

I wanna be like Y/n. Midori thought to herself.

"Leave him alone!" She suddenly shouted as if her body acted on it's own. The girls turned and noticed her before they all started laughing.

"Oh look. It's this loser again!" The girl with pink hair laughed. The blue haired boy looked at Midori with desperate eyes. She couldn't leave him. Y/n didn't leave her.

"Leave him the hell alone!" She ahouted again.

"Looks like that skank isn't here to defend you this time." The leader cracked her knuckles and walked closer to Midori.

"Looks like your childhood wasn't burdened with education." Midori snapped back. The leader's eyes widened and an ugly, sour look spread across her face, "How dare you talk to me that way!" And with a swift slap, Midori was knocked to the ground.

Her hand reached to her cheek where a red mark began to from. The leader laughed and turned back to her friends, "Get a load of this weakling! She's even weaker than that blue haired brat!"

"You think that hurt? I've been hit with noodles more painful that that!" Midori mocked the bully. She gave Midori a death glare and the next thing the green haired girl knew, she was laying in the floor, being kicked brutally.

"Don't you ever think you're worth anything! You'll always be a pathetic loser! You should just kill yourself!" The bulky shouted as she continued to stomp on Midori who was covering her face.

The boy just watched helplessly, looking for a way to help his defender.

The bullies weren't paying attention to him, so he took that change to get your and rush at Musume. He pushed her to the floor and stood defensively in front of Midori.


They both layed on the ground in pain. Gaku was crying his best not to cry as he felt the absolute most excruciating pain in hjs entire life. He realized he was unable to even move his arm.

Oh no.. Please tell me it's not... Gaku couldn't even finish that thought.

Suddenly, Midori started groaning. Gaku took immediately notice and shouted, "Miss! Are you okay?!"

Midori managed to get herself up, she was covered in bruises and dirt. "Ow.. I-I'm fine... Are you okay?" She asked back.

Gaku faked a smile, "I'm okay.." But Midori could see the tears swelling his his eyes.

She slowly managed to get herself on her feet and held her hand out to the blue haired boy. His apricot eyes lit up as he reached out to her with his other hand.

"Let me take you to the Nurse."


The Nurse had confirmed Gaku's arm was broken and called for his parents.

While she was on the phone, Midori and Gaku were talking on a bed, sitting next to one another.

"How's your arm?" Midori asked. Gaku shrugged and laughed nervously, "It's uhm... Painful. As you'd expect.."

"Yikes. I'm sorry I wasn't much help." Midori looked down at her knees, her eyes softened as guilt overcame her. Why couldn't she defend him or even herself?

I'll never be anything like Y/n.

"No.. Thank you a lot... Just standing up for me was... Nice.. I really appreciate it." He looked at her with delicate, tenderly eyes. Midori's cheeks lit up, turning a slight shade of pink, "O-Oh of course! I couldn't leave you like that..."
Gaku was about to say something but stopped when the Nurse came back. "Your parents are waiting outside to take you to the hospital." She said. Gaku stood up and nodded, "Thank you, Miss." He turned back to Midori, "Let's talk again sometime." He said before walking out.

Midori hoped they would talk again soon. But unfortunately, that would never happen.


Midori looked at her messages with Gaku, surprised by his change. She let out a sigh,

If only I had been there for him.. I wonder if he'd still be a delinquent. Or maybe I could've prevented it. It doesn't matter. He's amazing just the way he is. No matter what.


♥︎𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰♥︎ - {Umeji × Reader}Where stories live. Discover now