Chapter 19

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* Short chapter*

Uraraka is left outside by herself. She is looking down at the ground as it begins to rain and tears streaming down her face. She looked up at the sky and said out loud: "Why does this world hate me so much?" She sat down on the ground and pulled her knee to her chest. While she was sitting he felt someone's hands on her shoulder. She looked back to see Toga behind her. "Let's get you inside. You will catch a cold." Toga helped Uraraka up and took her inside.

Once they got to Toga's room, she gave Uraraka a spare of her clothes and let her use her shower. After a few minutes, Uraraka came out while drying her hair. "Umm, thanks for letting me use your shower/" "No problem," Toga said while not looking Uraraka's direction. "Uh-where do you want me to put this?" Holding up the towel. "You can put it in the dirty basket," Toga replied. Uraraka did so and stood in the middle of the room. Toga noticed Uraraka was standing there and looked at her confused. "Why are you standing up?" "I don't know where to sit," Uraraka replied.

Toga squinted her eyes and Uraraka looked down. "You weren't shy before, so don't act shy now. Just sit anywhere available." Uraraka looked around to see her bing bag in the corner. She hesitantly walked over and sat down. They both stayed quiet for a while before Toga asked her if she was hungry. "A little." Toga got up from his bed and left the room and came back minutes later with two slices of pizza and a water bottle. "Here you go." "Thanks," Uraraka said as she took the pizza from Toga's hand.

They both fell into silence once again. Toga continued reading a book while Uraraka was eating her food. After a while, Toga heard sniffles. She looks over her book to see Uraraka crying slightly. Toga closed her book and sat up with a concerned look. "Are you okay?" "I-I'm fine," Uraraka replied. "You're obviously not. Look at you. You're crying," Toga said. Uraraka remained quiet. Toga sighed to herself and got up from her bed. She went to the bathroom and brought back a tissue box. She handed it to Uraraka and she began to use it. "Tell me when you're ready."

They both remained quiet until Uraraka calmed down. She looked up to see Toga reading her book again. "What are you reading?" "Twilight," Toga replied. "I've never heard of it," Uraraka said as she placed the tissue box down. "What's it about?" "It's about a girl who fell in love with a vampire, but there is a werewolf who loves her dearly. She doesn't see him because she was into the vampire rather than the werewolf. The vampire liked her as well, but only after a few weeks of knowing each other. While the werewolf knew her since they were kids and was upset about it. The werewolf soon got over it, but not fully. It was enough for the girl and the vampire to date each other," Toga replied.

Uraraka looked at the ground as she placed her plate on the floor. She looks up at Toga and asked "would you say my situation with Lida and Deku the same things?" "Kinda. In the book, the vampire loved her back. Izuku doesn't love you back," Toga replied without taking her attention away from the book. "So Lida is like a werewolf," Uraraka said. "100%, he is trying to protect you from getting your heart broken by him, but you didn't listen. In the book, the werewolf realized he was a perfect fit for him, so he laid off once proven. While Lida gave up on trying because you wouldn't stop fixing yourself with him," Toga said.

Uraraka looked towards the window to see the rain falling down. As the sound of the rain fell she began to think about all of the fun moments she had with Lida and with Midoryia. The more she thought, the more she realized she had more memories with Lida than with Midoriya. The laughter, the texts, and how much they smiled around each other.

Toga soon heard sniffles. She looked over her book to see Uraraka crying again. The way she was sitting up on the big bag chair gave her a different vibe. "So she finally realized." Toga smiled to herself, closed her book, and scooted to Uraraka. She rested her hand on Uraraka's shoulder. "There there. It's okay." "No it's not! I pushed Lida away since the day he confessed to me and said many mean things towards him! I even hurt Deku's friends and my classmates! How can any of this be okay? I mean, I betrayed my friend for crying out loud!" Uraraka asked. "There will be times when you'll make mistakes when it comes to love. Some give gifts, some bullies, and some are obsessed with others. To be honest, no one can really control their love for someone. Especially when others have interest in you. People are blind to the ones who find interest in them because they are shy or nervous...You just need to open your eyes more and act less eager than you did this time," Toga replied.

Uraraka began to cry harder as Toga spoke. Toga smiled to herself and crouched next to Uraraka. As Toga pat Uraraka's shoulder, she looked at Toga. "Why are you being nice to me? Are you trying to make me feel worse and pitying me?" Uraraka asked. "...I don't know, but...I think you need this," Toga replied. 

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