Chapter 8: ...She probably knows

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Midoryia is walking down the empty hallway and soon arrives at his destination...All Might's office. Midoryia reached for the door handle and turned it to see All Might drinking his tea on one of the couches. He looks over at the door and sees Midoriya standing on the other side. He gestures to Midoryia to sit in front of him and does so. All Might poured Midoryia a cup and they both sat in silence until All Might asked Midoryia, "What happened earlier?" "Uraraka tried to get my phone after I told her no," Midoryia replied. "So you used your quirk on her?" All Might asked. "No, I had no intentions on doing that...Any time tension inside me builds up, I would always go to one of the training rooms and let it out there. Uraraka wouldn't leave me alone, so it just happened...I'm sorry," Midoryia replied. "You don't need to apologize. I just wanted to know why you used your quirk," All Might said.

They went back to silence as All Might poured himself another cup of tea and began to drink it. "Aizawa came to me about some information you've told him earlier," All Might said. "Yes," Midoryia said. "What exactly is wrong with the book, young Midoryia?" All Might asked. "He didn't tell you?" Midoryia asked. "Aizawa only told me you told him about his teaching, and how wrong it is, and how the information in the textbook was a lie. So, what was inside the textbook?" All Might replied. "Well, for starters...the book has a whole bunch of false accusations about quirkless people. It says they are bad, chaotic, and other things that aren't true like how they are diagnosed, and how they live on a daily day basis," Midoryia replied. "Hmm, no wonder you have been distant lately," All Might said as he placed his tea down. "I will check this textbook out myself," All Might said.

After hearing what All Might said was reveliving that he is willing to listen and check it out, but what confused him is why he needed to see it. All Might noticed he was looking at him and asked him what was wrong. "You guys never had this textbook before?" Midoriya asked. "Never. This is the first time Nezu let the students learn about quirkless people. Is that why you never came to me about it?" All Might replied. "I thought you guys had learned this and read the textbook before. With you born quirkless just like me and you've always dreamed of becoming a pro hero I thought you let it run over your head and pursued your dream...and I tried to do the same," Midoryia replied.

All Might places his cup of tea on the coaster in front of him and walks over to Midoryia, and places his hand on his shoulder. "Young Midoryia, anytime you feel uncomfortable or upset about something, you shouldn't keep it to yourself. It is my duty as a mentor and a teacher to make sure my successor and student are okay. If there is anything that is messing with you, then come to me." Midoryis smiled at what All Might said. "You sure know how to give a speech," Midoryia said and received a chuckle from All Might. "It's what I do best. Now, it is time for you to head over to Aizawa's office. I heard he has something very important to tell you," All Might said. Midoryia nodded his head and left the room.

Midoryia walked through the hallway and made it to Aizawa's office. He knocked on the door and heard someone inside yell "come in!" Midoryia walked in to see Jiro, Todoroki, and Bakugo sitting in the chairs in front of Aizawa's desk. "Come sit." Midoryia walked to the last free chair and sat with the others. "Now that All Might has talked to you, I have something to ask you. 1) Why were you guys in the training room without any of the staff members?" Aizawa asked. "All Might lets me and Midoryia go in there without him present. As long as we tell him, he will cover us," Bakugo replied. "Did he know you guys were in here today?" Alizawa asked and received nothing, but silence. "Just because of that, you guys aren't allowed to go in there for the next two days," Aizawa said. "What's the second thing?" Todoroki asked. "I want to know what actually happened earlier? Uraraka, Lida, and Tsu told me one thing; I want to hear y'all's," Aizawa asked.

Bakugo, Jiro, and Todoroki looked at Midoriya as they waited for him to answer. "Uraraka tried to get my phone and told her 'no' repeatedly, and she didn't listen," Midoryia replied. "So you used your quirk on her?" Aizawa asked. "I didn't me-" "The nerd tends to use his quirk with intention when he is tensed up or he is getting annoyed," Bakugo said. "So what you are saying is Uraraka was annoying him," Aizawa said. "Anyone would get annoyed and angry if someone is constantly pressuring you to let them see your phone. In my opinion, Uraraka deserved it," Jiro said. "Using your quirk on someone just because you are annoyed doesn't give you the right to do so," AIzawa said. "But someone needed to put her in her place. She has no business in trying to see who he is texting or facetime with. She is not his older sister, she is not his mother, so she can't do that. And then she's going to try and take it away from you just because you said no. No means no, and someone needed to put that in her head," Jiro said.

Midoryia looked at Jiro with a confused look. Wondering how she knew Uraraka was trying to get his phone. "She probably used her quirk earlier...wait....she was listening!" Midoryia thought. He realized that she was listening to his conversation with All Might. "If she heard what happened earlier, then that means she probably knows I used to be q-" In the middle of Midoryia's thoughts he heard someone calling his name. He looked up to see Aizawa and the others looking. "Did you hear what I said?" Aizawa asked. "No..." Midoryia replied. "Between you and class? Everyone seems to be getting on your nerves except these three plus All Might," Aizawa asked. "It's just that they won't leave me alone...well...some of them," Midoryia replied. "Who?" Aizawa asked. "The Deku Squad," Jiro replied. "But isn't Todoroki part of your 'squad'?" Aizawa asked. "Yes, but it really isn't one at this point," Todorki replied. "Okay, tell me what is going on," Aizawa said. "Robot, Pink Cheeks won't leave the nerd alone. They are constantly coming up with stupid ideas about Deku's situation," Bakugo replied. "What kind of situation are we talking about?" Aizawa asked. "A personal one," Midoryia replied. "...I will talk to them. You guys may leave," Aizawa said.

The four got up from their chairs and left for the dorms since it was late outside. Once they made it to the dorms, they all went to their rooms and most of them were asleep. Midoryia looked at his phone next to him and decided to talk to Bakugo.


Broccoli: Hey Kacchan, are you up?

Angry Pomerainian: I am now. What do you want, nerd?

Broccoli: It's about earlier

Angry Pomeranian: Go straight to the point! I don't have all night to do this!

Broccoli: Okay, Okay, I think Jiro heard the conversation between me and All Might

Angry Pomerainian: Did you guys talk about you and him being quirkless?

Broccoli: ...If we weren't talking about that, do you think I would be talking to you right now?

Angry Pomerianian: WHAT DID YOU SAY NERD!

Broccoli: Yes, and I also told him what happened and why I used my quirk on her. I never told you guys what actually happened for me to use my quirk.

Angry Pomeranian: You do know ear's quirk is literally super hearing. She was the one who got us before we made it to you guys.

Broccoli: ...oh


Broccoli: I forgot what her quirk was, okay? I just don't want her or anyone to find out.

Angry Pomeranian: ...She did leave the office to go to the bathroom while you were with All Might.

Broccoli: ...Please don't tell me the bathroom isn't the same direction to All Might's office

Angry Pomeranian: ...It is

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