Chapter 1: Thoughts on quirkless

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Class 1-a and the pro heroes all fought All for one and the LOV. After many months of fighting, injuries, and lives being lost, they were able to defeat them. Spinner and Mr. Compass didn't make it to the end. The pro heroes arrested them and took them to jail. The student used two months of school to heal up, bond with family, and get their minds back in shape.

It has been two months and the students have returned to school. Since they have been fighting the majority of their first year, they will be learning and actually have exams this semester while training. Aizawa came into the classroom and began his lesson on something that is familiar to Izuku...people who are quirkless. Aizawa passed a textbook around to everyone that is about people who are quirkless and a worksheet on the first chapter. "Everyone work on your worksheet and talk or do whatever just don't bother me," Aizawa said as he went into caterpillar mode.

Everyone started to work on the assignment while Aizawa was laying on the ground. Jirou looked up from her book and asked everyone their thoughts on quirkless people. "I think they are cool, it's just that the world is dangerous for them. With them just walking around or messing with the wrong person can hurt them," Kaminari replied. "True, not only that they are a bit...fradual," Kirishima added. "And if they get in the way, they could get hurt," Mina said. "And if you compare them to normal people who have quirks...they are basically worthless," Uraraka said. Hearing the word useless made Midoryia's head go up from the book he was reading. "Useless?" Midoriya thought.

Midoryia couldn't believe Uraraka would say that. He has always thought she is a nice person and wants to help everyone and anyone. Hearing those words hurt him more than fighting Shigaraki...He thought he was different. The others looked at Midoryia who was still in his thoughts and not paying attention. Bakugo kicked Midoryia's chair to snap him out of it. Midoryia looked back at Bakugo with a confused look. He looked to his right and back at Midoriya repeatedly; letting him know they were calling him. "Yes?" Misoryia asked. "What are your opinions on quirkless people?" Kirishima asked. "I think they are cool also. They are fun, commutative, and enjoyable to hang out with. Yes, they are defenseless when it comes to fighting and defending themselves, but they are worth fighting for," Midoryia replied. The whole class went quiet after the response Midoryia gave them. "Midoryia, you don't have to say something that is positive about everything. This is a place where you can speak your thoughts. If you think they are useless or a waste of space then you can say it. You won't be judged," Sero said.

Hearing him say that made him lose his breath for a moment. "You think I am saying that just because I want to be nice?" Midoryia asked. "I mean yeah. You are a nice dude and you always say nice things about everything. No matter how bad it is," Sero replied. "I'm not saying that because I want to be nice. I am saying that because it is the truth," Midoryia said with a hint of annoyance in his voice. "Wow dude, chill. You don't need to get so worked up," Kaminari said. "Well tell Mr. Tape dispenser to watch what he says," Midoryia said. "Alright man, now it is getting out of hand," Kaminari said. "I'm the one getting out of hand! I'M GETTING OUT OF HAN-" "AY! What's with all the yelling?" Aizawa yelled. Everyone looked at Aizawa who was still in his sleeping bag and back at Midoryia "Mi-" Before Aizawa could finish the word; Midoryia was already out of the door. Aizawa looked back at the class and asked them what that was about. "We started to talk about what we thought about quirkless people and started to get irritated," Momo replied. "Hmm, I will talk to the problem child while you guys get back to work," Aizawa said.

Everyone went back to work, but couldn't focus. They have never seen Izuku so angry before. He is usually the sweet cinnamon roll who mumbles here and there. Seeing him so upset about a subject that they think doesn't deal with him is confusing, but makes sense to Bakugo. Bakugo got up from his seat and walked to the door. "Where are you going Bakubro?" Kirishima asked. "None of your business, idiot," Bakugo replied as he closed the door.

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