Chapter 12: Keeping My Mouth Shut

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Bakugo, Toga, and Jiro walked to the living room to see Mina, still heated, but cooling down. Kaminari, Kirishima, and Sero are standing on each wall; giving her space. "Oi! What happened?" Bakugo asked. "Bro, can't you see she is heated? I nearly got hit by her acid earlier," Kaminari said. "We need to know what happened. Uraraka has lied once, so we need to hear it from you guys. Midoriya is getting upset and we need an explanation now," Jiro said. "Mina thinks Uraraka had something to do with what happened in the cafeteria," Kirishima said. "I NOW she had something to do with it!" Mina yelled. "You don't know that," Kaminari said. "With the shenanigans she has been pulling lately, she could have done this! We don't know what else she could have done! Or what she is going to do next!" Mina said. "But it doesn't mean she did it," Jiro, "So you guys think I'm crazy or something?" Mina asked. "No, but what you did was too far. You don't even have any evidence to justify yourself," Kaminari said. "Look, my gut is never wrong and I know for a fact that she had something to do with this," Mina said. "Look, I may be a villain, but I know what's right from wrong. What you did wasn't right. You attacked Uraraka because of a gut feeling. If you do that in the hero's world, everyone will agree with you no matter how wrong it was. In the villain world, everything you do is wrong. There are also bad people in this world in disguise as heroes right under our noses. Uraraka is that hero in disguise. Do you want to be that hero too?" Toga asked. "...No," Mina replied. "Then you shouldn't have done that," Toga said. "But...I know she had something to do with it," Mina said. "But you don't know that. Until you do, please don't confront her," Jiro said. "Oh no, she definitely did something. The way she was acting after the incident in the cafeteria was weird," Toga said. "Yeah, she did something."

Everyone looked over at the corner of the room to see Midoryia standing there. "How long have you been here?" Kirishima asked. "Long enough to know what happened," Midoryia replied. "So you think she did something too?" Kaminari asked. "Yeah, the truth will come to the surface one day. Since she is really bad at hiding things. Can we please drop this and continue tomorrow?" Midoryia asked. "Alright," Everyone replied in unison.

It is the next day and everyone is rocky between everyone. Anytime Uraraka and Mina see each other, Mina or Uraraka would walk out of the room. Anytime the Bakusquad see them three, they glare at them and leave. The rest of the class sees the tension going between the groups and most of the school could tell. Midoryia and the others get enough attention as it is. They don't need anymore attention, so they were away from everyone most of the day. Uraraka was wondering why he was away from everyone, but Lida kept telling her to give him some space. "But there is something wrong with him, and he won't tell me," Uraraka said. "Some people need space when something big happens," Lida said. "You say he needs some alone time when he is with his 'buddies'," Uraraka said. "Even if he was, they're the only ones that have no conflict with anyone. If anything, they are the most chill ones out of the whole class," Lida said. "So what you're saying is that we're not important and chill? Not even me? How is Bakugo more chill than me when he is a walking time bomb?" Uraraka asked. "No, that's n-" "Whatever! I don't want to hear it anymore!" Uraraka said as she left his room and went to her's.

Lida sighed to himself and fell backwards onto his bed while looking at the ceiling. "Why is this happening?" Lida asked himself. While he was looking up, he heard a knock on his door. "Come in!" Lida sat up on his bed to see Jiro opening the door and closing it behind her. "Hey." "You were eavesdropping, weren't you?" Lida asked. "I would be lying if I said no," Jiro replied. "Could you please mind other's space and not use your quirk to listen? It's only supposed to be used when we are training," Lida asked. "I wasn't using my quirk. I am literally next door. The walls are thin, so I heard everything," Jiro replied. "Oh," Lida said.

Even though the walls are thin, no one can hear his conversations besides Jiro because his room is at the end of the hallway. "What do you need?" Lida asked. "The real question is, are you alright? You seem sad," Jiro replied. "I'm fine. There is nothing to worry about," Lida replied. "No, something is definitely off. Tsu sees it as well," Jiro said. "Don't worry Jiro. I promise. I am alright," Lida said.

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